End of Waste: Supporting quality & sustainability? Roger Hoare Environment & Business Manager Environment Agency (England & Wales) 24 January 2013
What do we mean by ‘End of Waste’? To achieve end of waste for a waste derived product and remove the need for regulatory control it must be: - a distinct, marketable product; - able to be used in exactly the same way as an ordinary material; and - used with no worse environmental impact than the material it replaces.
Opportunity End of Waste Market advantage Difficult Commercial sensitivity Saves money Confusing Time consuming Complex Increase sales Risk to environment Sustainability Environmental benefits
Background – Issues and options Disputes between regulators and industry – Waste v Product Waste Protocols Programme Legal challenges over waste status Barriers to recycling such as waste stigma Pollution incidents from waste products
The Waste Protocols Programme Industry
What does a Protocol achieve? Waste Treatment Acceptance: Duty of Care / Hazardous Waste Treatment: Environmental Permit / Exemption / Low Risk Position Movement from Site Duty of Care and Registered Waste Carrier End Use Environmental Permit / Exemption / Low Risk Position
Waste Treatment Acceptance: Duty of Care / Hazardous Waste Treatment: Environmental Permit / Exemption / Low Risk Position Movement from Site Non-waste End Use Non-waste End of Waste Quality Protocol What does a Protocol achieve?
Quality Protocol Requirements Good practice Records Management End Uses Waste Inputs Certification Scheme Standards
Quality Protocols issued so far…
17 million tonnes£987,000,000 2,100,000 tonnes
Background – Issues and options Disputes between regulators and industry – Waste v Product Waste Protocols Programme Revised Waste Framework Directive EQual 2012 Increasing no. of end of waste apps from industry to regulators across EU 2010 EU End of Waste Regulations Legal challenges over waste status Published QPs – massive benefit but inconsistent compliance Barriers to recycling such as waste stigma Low customer confidence in recycled materials Pollution incidents from waste products Regulators reviewing end of waste submissions
EQual : Ensuring the Quality of waste derived products to support resource efficiency
EQual – Partners
QP Checker e-tool Aim – The QP Checker will encourage the correct use of existing Quality Protocols, both through improved industrial compliance and more consistent regulation, helping to increase the quality & quantity of recycled materials. Our Products
Definition of Waste web-tool Aim - The Definition of Waste web-tool will support businesses to make their own end of waste decisions, encouraging the sustainable re-use of waste materials. Production process Our Products
Research Aim- Support the uptake of waste derived products by providing a more robust assessment of their performance and suitability to replace virgin materials. Our Products
So what? Has Quality improved through End of Waste? Big financial benefits for business Significant environmental benefits QPs provide clarity to industry Lack of regulation makes it hard to monitor quality Certification schemes are our best tool but significant cost associated with them UKAS appear to be a barrier to the wider use of certification schemes
Thank You Roger Hoare Environment & Business Manager Environment Agency (England & Wales)