Inclusive practice: Creating accessible resources for learning and teaching This session will introduce staff to principles around creating accessible print and online resources. Topics will include good practice, resources available and alternative formats.
What does print disability mean? A print-disabled person is anyone for whom a visual, cognitive or physical disability hinders the ability to read print. This includes all visual impairments, dyslexia, and any physical disabilities that prevent the handling of a physical copy of a print publication. (Copyright Licencing Agency, 2011).
What are the numbers nationally? 4.5% of all UK university applicants have one of the following disabilities: specific learning difficulties. visual impairment. motor difficulties. deafness. JiscTechDis (2013).
What are our numbers at Kent? University of Kent 2013 – 2014: Specific Learning Difficulties – 844. Visual Impairment – 27. Physical Disabilities – 77.
The problem with physical printed material
What is an accessible format? An accessible format is one which works for the majority of people without the need for conversion. Accessible resources promote self-sufficiency in learning and teaching and can be accessed efficiently from a range of devices. Typically the most accessible resources are therefore electronic.
Why electronic resources may be best? Electronic resources (where they are created inclusively) will allow users to: Magnify. Reflow. Recolour - change background colours. Convert formats - for example text to mp3/audio. Navigate the document quickly using headings.
How can I make electronic documents more accessible? Sensus Access Sensus Access is an online tool that will enable the conversion of almost any electronic document into a more accessible format.
What is assistive technology? Any device or system that allows an individual to perform a task that they would otherwise be unable to do, or which increases the ease and safety with which the task can be performed. Equipment or software designed or modified to enable disabled students to gain access to curriculum content or assessment, such as the use of text-to-speech (TTS) or speech recognition software, are examples. QAA (2010).
Video magnifier (Templeman)
Optical Character Recognition Scanner (Templeman)
What can we do? Wherever possible select/create ‘born digital’ resources. Demonstrate good practice in all accessible learning resources we create: –Top tips for creating accessible learning resources.Top tips for creating accessible learning resources. Learn more about opportunities to improve accessibility (many good things are already available to us such as the Read Out Loud functions within Adobe Reader or the text to speech tool in Word).Read Out Loud
How to make Powerpoint Slides more accessible 1 Minimum point size of 24 for all slide text. Keep the layout simple and clear. Use the standard templates. Give each slide a unique title. Use the Notes Field to expand on important points or summarise visual materials. Make sure all pictures and diagrams have alternative text descriptions.
How to make Powerpoint Slides more accessible 2 Use non-serif fonts (e.g. Helvetika, Arial). Use plain English.plain English Make sure there is good contrast between text and background. Avoid ‘crowding’ slides with too much information. If lots of information is required split it across slides (or use the Notes field). Use the Accessibility Checker.Accessibility Checker Guidance on creating accessible presentations.
How to make hand outs and module outlines more accessible 1 Minimum point size – 12. Documents should be left aligned. Use heading styles. Make sure pages are numbered. Keep layout simple and clear. Use bullets rather than ‘unofficial’ formatting (e.g. spaces, dashes). Make sure all pictures and diagrams have alternative text descriptions. Use non-serif fonts (e.g. Helvetika, Arial).
How to make handouts and module outlines more accessible 2 Use plain English.plain English Printed handouts should be on cream or light coloured paper rather than brilliant white. Keep hyperlinks short. Ensure that printed handouts are also available in electronic format (ideally in advance to enable students with disabilities to prepare). Use Web Layout when presenting Word documents. Use the Accessibility Checker.Accessibility Checker Guidance on creating accessible documents.
Information Services support Templeman Library services for users with disabilities. Assistive technology, fetching service, extended loans.
Further useful information JiscTechDis accessible documents and presentationsJiscTechDis accessible documents and presentations Guides to help students and teachers design and use accessible resources. My Computer My Way Text4all
University of Kent good practice forum Student Support and Wellbeing staff forum
Key links Student Support and Wellbeing Service (SSW) University of Kent Institutional Strategic Plan for reinforces the University’s belief in the value of an inclusive and diverse University communityUniversity of Kent Institutional Strategic Plan for University of Kent Equality Diversity & Inclusivity (EDI)University of Kent Equality Diversity & Inclusivity (EDI)
Contact Ben Watson Academic Liaison Librarian IS Disability Support Coordinator Telephone: ext