1 Approved for unlimited release as SAND C Verification Practices for Code Development Teams Greg Weirs Computational Shock and Multiphysics Department Sandia National Laboratories 25 May 2010 Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
2 My Experience Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) of reacting flows – aerospace engineering U. of Chicago FLASH code – astrophysics Sandia ALEGRA code – Solid Dynamics + Magneto- Hydro-Dynamics (MHD). Most examples I will show are from ALEGRA. Your mileage may vary.
3 Expectation of Quality The public The customer Analysts Expectations of the accuracy of scientific simulations vary. Who are you trying to convince? Code developers – My house – My job – The company – Your house – Some money I’d bet X on the result; X= Uncertainty Quantification Error bars on simulation results Result converges with refinement Mesh refinement Eyeball norm Trends are reasonable Result is plausible Result is not ridiculous Code returns a result
4 Context What makes engineering physics modeling and simulation software different? Our simulations provide approximate solutions to problems for which we do not know the exact solution. This leads to two more questions: How good are the approximations? How do you test the software?
5 What is code verification? How good is your code? Has the algorithm been correctly implemented? How can the algorithm be improved? Governing Equations (IDEs) Governing Equations (IDEs) Discrete Equations Numerical Solutions Algorithms (FEM, ALE, AMG, etc.) Implementation (C++, Linux, MPI, etc.) Code Verification SQE
6 What else do I need? SA/UQ Validation Solution Verification How good is your simulation? How good is your code? How large is the numerical error? Are these equations adequate? Governing Equations (IDEs) Governing Equations (IDEs) Discrete Equations Numerical Solutions Code Verification SQE
7 Uncertain Outputs from Uncertain Inputs Governing Equations (PDEs) Governing Equations (PDEs) Discrete Equations Numerical Solutions Inputs: parameters to governing equations, algorithms, and discrete equations Outputs: metrics of interest Uncertainty Quantification and Code Verification are nearly orthogonal
8 Informal Definitions Software Quality Engineering (SQE) Manage software complexity Code VerificationAssess algorithms and their implementation vs. exact solutions Solution VerificationEstimate discretization error ValidationAssess physics models vs. experimental data SA / UQAssess sensitivity of answer to input parameters An ingredients list for predictive simulation, not a menu.
9 ALEGRA Test Suite Unit tests Regression Verification Performance (Scaling) Performance (Scaling) Prototypes Validation SA/UQ SQEApps
10 The Gauntlet “Prototype” simulations contributed by ALEGRA users Have no exact solution User-defined success criteria for each case Might represent a capability we want to maintain Might agitate our current capabilities The Usual Suspects…
11 The Production Line Over time, the ALEGRA code team has developed a software infrastructure to support testing Ability to run a large number of simulations repeatedly Ability to compare results with a baseline Ability to report pass/diff/fail Run on platforms of interest at regular intervals
12 The Production Line Code verification tests further require: Ability to handle different types of reference solutions Ability to compute error norms and convergence rates Flexibility for computing specialized metrics for specific test problems *Some of these capabilities are helpful for solution verification
13 Verification Is Not Free Principal Costs: Infrastructure development Test development Recurring Costs – A tax on development: Maintenance of existing tests Code development becomes a very deliberate process
14 Verification As A Continuous Process To set up a verification problem once takes significant effort – steep learning curve, infrastructure is not in place Running a verification analysis you have maintained takes minimal work Without regular, automated verification testing, verification results go stale quickly - they do not reflect the current state of the code
15 Code Verification Identifies Algorithmic Weaknesses One purpose of code verification is to find bugs. Code verification often finds bugs that are subtle and otherwise difficult to identify. The eyeball norm finds most obvious bugs quickly. Perhaps a better use of code verification is to guide code development. Some bugs are algorithmic and conceptual. Code verification identifies algorithmic weaknesses. Large errors are a weakness.
16 Code Developers Do Code Verification Code developers best understand the numerical methods they are using Code developers are best able to use the results of code verification (and other forms of assessment) to improve the algorithms they use Code verification as an accreditation exercise has no lasting impact on code quality
17 Verification Testing Must Be a Team Ethic Discipline is required to keep a “clean” test suite – to keep all tests passing; “stop-the-line” mentality If only part of the team values verification, that part is always carrying the other developers Maintaining an automated verification test suite is probably necessary but definitely not sufficient Developers should be using verification tests interactively
18 Costs In Context Code developers retain practices that justify their expense. Consider version control software (CVS, SVN, git…): 1.Do you remember a time before you used it? 2.Would you consider going back? Verification should be as critical
19 Sustainable Verification Continuous verification is a necessary practice for code quality Code verification is the foundation for other forms of assessment Verification guides development Sustainable Verification: The benefits of verification outweigh the costs.