Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes …
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes Bible Studies From Ecclesiastes
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 THE SEARCH : Trying To Find The Meaningful Life 1:12 – 2:26 THE PROBLEM : Understanding God’s Providential Rule Over Life 3:1 – 5:20 THE APPLICATION : Explaining & Applying God’s Plan 6:1 – 8:15 Trusting God & Living Joyfully In An Uncertain World 8:16 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still enjoy life’s blessings 8:16 – 9:9 Laborious searching won’t produce discovery… claims of “I know” will not be true 8:17b This “uncertain world” has within it factors or forces that limit man 1:15 7:13 The answer? Only in the “hand of God” 9:1a The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still enjoy life’s blessings 8:16 – 9:9 God’s “love” or “hatred” 9:1b-3 Man cannot observe life situations and deduce (extrapolate) meanings v. 1b cp. 7:15 8:14 Such “observations” will not indicate God’s approval or disapproval Mal 1:2-3 Jn 9:1-3 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still enjoy life’s blessings 8:16 – 9:9 Despite life’s “uncertainties” that discourage, we are to be happy, enjoy our blessings 9:7-9 Our physical prosperity vv. 7-8 Our relationships v. 9 Similar to earlier exhortations 2: : :15 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still work honorably 9:10-12 Despite “uncertainties,” we are still exhorted to be the right kind of worker v. 10a “Whatever your hand finds to do, verily, do it with all your might” cp. Col 3:23-24 We need such a work ethic now…time comes when we can’t work v. 10b Jn 9:4 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still work honorably 9:10-12 Life takes on a certain “joy” when we are the right kind of worker We can have the satisfaction of a job well done, knowing we are pleasing to God However, this still won’t bring “certainty” to an “uncertain world” vv The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still work honorably 9:10-12 The “uncertain world” re: our labor vv The fastest doesn’t always win the race The strongest doesn’t always win the battle The wisest doesn’t always eat bread Factors beyond their control “overtake them” at unforeseen moments The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still work honorably 9:10-12 The “uncertain world” re: our labor vv Man doesn’t know…cannot even predict what awaits him cp. 3:22 6:12 8:7 He can be “caught” or “trapped” Solomon seems to be speaking not just of death, but of tragic accidents, “misfortune” The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still work honorably 9:10-12 The “uncertain world” re: our labor vv This is another reason why man should always put his trust in God and not in human ability (whether his own or someone else’s) Psa 118:8 1 Cor 2:4-5 True physically as well as spiritually The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still appreciate wisdom 9:13-18 Once again, Koheleth praises the value of wisdom “under the sun” vv a A city faces certain defeat at the hands of a superior army under a great king & his siege Despite this “certainty,” a poor wise man is found who delivers the city The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still appreciate wisdom 9:13-18 Despite wisdom’s contribution, the “poor wise man” is not remembered, honored vv. 15b-16 He returns back to his “insignificance” because of his inferior status among men One of the uncertain world’s “rules”… The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8 What have you done for me lately?
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still appreciate wisdom 9:13-18 Wise words offered in quiet far outweigh foolish words shouted aloud v. 17 A fool thinks if he “out-shouts” others, he can persuade them Wisdom is also better then brute force v. 18a The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still appreciate wisdom 9:13-18 Yet, a warning re: wisdom v. 18b All the good counsel of wisdom can be quickly undone by 1 sinner A lot of good that took much to accomplish can be offset by 1 occurrence of sin (e.g. building a lifetime of character) The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still shun foolishness 10:1-20 Solomon begins with a “proverb” v. 1 “As dead flies make a perfumer’s oil stink, so is a little foolishness weightier than wisdom and honor” Even a little folly can ruin a valuable thing A re-statement of the principle in 9:18b The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still shun foolishness 10:1-20 Solomon begins with a “proverb” v. 1 Some things take great care to build, create (perfume oil; reputation based on honor) However, they can be ruined with the slightest, smallest wrong The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still shun foolishness 10:1-20 The ways of the wise & the fool vv. 2-3 A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right The fool’s heart leads him to the left All who see the fool doing anything observe him to be lacking in sense…his character is exposed by his senseless actions The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still shun foolishness 10:1-20 The value of “wise composure” v. 4 If one is confronted with a ruler’s temper (perhaps “authoritative foolishness”), he could respond either foolishly or wisely “Do not abandon your position” cp. 8:3-5 Calmness “allays great offenses” The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes TRUSTING IN UNCERTAINTY 8:16 – 12:8 We can still shun foolishness 10:1-20 The value of “wise composure” v. 4 An example of the truth Solomon speaks re: rulers who act “foolishly” (tyrannical)… consider the apostles before the Jewish rulers Mt 10:17-20 Acts 4:13-16 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8
Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes …