A Masters Degree in Faith Based Leadership and Management Dr James Conner University of Otago Dr Greg Coyle The Salvation Army
Why us? The development and promotion of the new degree is a collaboration between The Salvation Army, World Vision and the University of Otago. TSA UoO World Vision Memoranda of Understanding
Four Good Reasons Why We Need a MFBL&M Degree 1.Large faith/values based organisations hold very large contract volumes with govt. and others. The contracting and service environment carries huge risk and high expectations. We need a missional approach which also delivers effective services and sound financial management. We need CE’s and DCE’s who can manage the tension between delivering missional outcomes in a large and uncertain contracting environment and ensuring the organisation stays true to itself and does not go broke.
Four Good Reasons Why We Need a MFBL&M Degree 2.Our recruiting of senior executives is usually not internal career development but drawn from business, Local or Central Govt. People with MBA’s have been bought up on profit and shareholder return or people with MPP’s and MPA’s come from policy shops focused on programme development in government departments and giving Ministers advice. We end up hiring senior people to manage our services who do not have a theology or missional underpinning or who don’t know our business very well.
Four Good Reasons Why We Need a MFBL&M Degree 3. Leaders who have grown up in faith based organisations often have well developed missional backgrounds but little education in leadership and management. We ask them to shift from being effective pastoral leaders into managing small and then bigger service delivery arms without any effective management or leadership education. This is a capacity problem for the whole missional/values based service sector.
Four Good Reasons Why We Need a MFBL&M Degree 4. There is nothing in our current tertiary education framework offerings which delivers a masters degree level qualification focussing on missional, leadership and business outcomes at CE and DCE level. The UNITEC PgDip in NGO Management is an excellent generalist NGO sector programme however it is not theologically based and not pitched at senior executive career development level.
Aims of The Degree To ensure that the values, faith and spiritual mission of the organisations are advanced. To lead new vision and ways of thinking about how services can be delivered in a social justice, faith, values and spiritual paradigm. To developing a new type of social leadership and management which can inspire the delivery of values, faith and spiritual based services outside the profit and share-value environment.
Aims of The Degree To navigate tension between mission-based services and required contract outcomes and political imperatives. (Criticising govt. and also trying to partner with govt) To understand government processes and administration and how missional faith, values and spiritual based organisation can add public value and benefit. To provide a recognised and respected degree that will become a standard in the employment market by which new CE’s and DCE’s can be educated and measured.
Graduates with the MFBL&M will be able to : Understand leadership and mentoring of theology, spirituality and beliefs within the organisation e.g. Church, community service, Iwi or aid organisation. Demonstrate leadership in the qualities of compassion, caring and empathy for the clients within the social, health community and international development sectors while achieving contracted outcomes. Lead the organisation to know and respect the statutory and regulatory environment in with the service environment, e.g. solvency, HR, health and safety, contracting, procurement..
Graduates with the MFBL&M will be able to : Develop and execute high level strategies which are effective in achieving the mission of the organisation. Influence the governance and management of the organisation in the missional (not-for-profit) environment Oversee exemplary budgetary management and good stewardship of the entrusted resources of the organisation e.g. capital management, financial control, employment, Information Technology
Graduates with the MFBL&M will be able to : Develop the organisation’s workforce and professional development and manage the resources of the organisation to achieve this development. Lead the organisation through the use of evidence based research and policy development and evaluation. Align the mission lf the organisation with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and lead engagement and mission with and between New Zealand Iwi, Hapū and Whānau.
How Would this Be Delivered? Delivered by theTheology Department and the School of Business, University of Otago – Distance learning and on-line study – Available in other countries – Part-time study over 2 years or more. – Block course delivery. – Group cohorts and study groups. – A research component. – Compulsory streams and elective offerings. – Study, assessments and research contextualised to student’s area of work. We are currently developing a CUAP proposal to the Vice- Chancellors Committee to be presented in 2015.
Who Would Want to Do this Masters? Current department heads and emerging leaders in large faith based organisations. Developing leaders in values based organisations delivering services in the welfare, health, human rights, education, youth, environment, women, ethnicity, international development areas Iwi organisations involved in the delivery of government funded welfare, health and educational services Leaders and decision-makers looking for new models of Leadership
Who Would Want to Do this Masters? People who have Batchelor’s Degrees or equivalent experience who currently work in government departments or the private sector but wish to gain a qualification to enable them move over into senior non-government and faith based leadership and management positions. People already in the NGO sector. As delivery will be flexibly and much of it on-line, we believe this degree will be attractive to applicants from UK, Australia, United States, Canada, Nordic, Commonwealth, OECD and developing countries.
Come with us on this journey ! Inquiries during this early development phase can be directed to: Dr. James Conner Senior Enterprise Manager - Government Sector Research & Enterprise, University of Otago DDI Mobile