Biodiesel in Upper Clutha Mission To introduce an alternative form of fueling for our transport systems that has a positive social, environmental and economic impact. The society is leading a truly efficient transport system for our communities, which is: -run completely from renewable forms of energy, minimizing CO2 and other toxic emissions, -is symbiotic with the environmental systems in which we coexist. Products NZ BioGold: 100% Biodiesel (B100) produced by Solid Energy. -Made from recycled cooking oil and locally grown virgin canola oil. -Each tank independently tested and certified. -Sustainable at current production levels. -Price stable and subsidised to compete with mineral diesel. The Upper Clutha Renewable Transport Society has been created to deliver renewable fuel in Central Otago.
Biodiesel and future renewable transport solutions Diminishing resources Increasing demand
Why biodiesel? Why in Wanaka? -an alternative to fossil fuel. -can be sustainably produced at current volumes. -less polluting than fossil fuel (BioGold emits 50% less CO2). -reduces our ecological footprint. -price is independent of oil and currently subsidised by government to compete with mineral diesel. -can improve engine efficiency. A community passionate about our environment. Committed to driving positive change through innovative community-led models e.g. Wanaka Wastebusters. Willing to try new things. Fossil fuel Biofuel
Biodiesel success story The Queenstown Lakes Biodiesel Consortium has been set up as a pilot to help increase the uptake of biodiesel through enabling more fuel self sufficiency, long term supply and price security. Biodiesel 20% (B20) is used from a blend of domestically grown virgin rapeseed oil and used cooking oil collected from the New Zealand food industry. It is run as a consortium with a joining fee of $50 per vehicle, which enable access to the pump. Then charged monthly on consumption, at no more than the normal diesel price at the pump. There are some sponsorship opportunities. After one year, happy operators of 66 vehicles are using up to 15,000 litres of biodiesel per month. See the inauguration of the facility in the News And more info about Queenstown facility here
Who? How? Initiated by the Centre for Sustainable Practice, an incorporated society has been established. The society has a committee and needs to attract paying members. It is estimated that we need around 100 members to set up the pump station. The Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has donated land for the pump station. Money raised through membership will be used to buy a tank and pump with swipe card access. A contract will be signed with Solid Energy to secure a fixed price supply of BioGold. Each member receives a swipe card to access biodiesel from station. Members invoiced monthly.
How much? (estimates) Initially Tank $5000 Swipe card pump$3000 On-going (per year) Accounts person $1500 Maintenance$ 500 Total $10, Members pay an approx $100 of one-off joining fee. Biodiesel is then charged to members according to their consumption, at a price no more than mineral diesel.
Where? When? Spring 2011 (depending on fund raising). Provided at least from spring until autumn annually. Provision of B100 throughout winter will depend on options for winterisation. The proposed site for the biodiesel pump station is next to Wanaka Wastebusters. Wanaka township Location Corner Ballantyne - Riverbank Rd on Council land
FAQ What are the risks? Increased viscosity from -5°C, making use over winter in Wanaka uncertain. Most vehicles using biodiesel experience benefits however for a full list of potential risks see BioGold brochure Can it be used in any kind of vehicle? Only diesel vehicles. Most diesel models can use biodiesel. To check your model is compatible, call Biodiesel NZ. Do I need to make any changes on my car? No, although because of the cleansing properties of biodiesel it is recommended that you check your filters soon after switching to biodiesel. What if I drive somewhere biodiesel is not available? Refill with diesel. You can switch from diesel to biodiesel without any problem
More info Like Wanaka Biodiesel on FacebookWanaka Biodiesel on Facebook New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority EECA Biodiesel page EECA Biodiesel Biodiesel from Solid Energy Otago Polytech Centre for Sustainable Practice Document prepared by Prue Kane & Florence Micoud, August 2011