Production of algal biomass in coastal lagoons Søren Laurentius Nielsen Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change Roskilde University, Denmark.


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Presentation transcript:

Production of algal biomass in coastal lagoons Søren Laurentius Nielsen Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change Roskilde University, Denmark

Purpose: To assess the feasibility of algal biomass production in a low-tech, local setting Focus on pollution mitigation –Nutrients (coastal eutrophication) –CO 2 Bioenergy and production of high-value products a secondary priority


Onsevig lagoons

Results from Onsevig lagoons Significant nutrient retention in biomass – but room for improvement Low ethanol conversion efficiency – needs more work Methane yield from fermentation of biomass residues comparabel with or larger than the yield from corn

Søllested Could we grow algae in municipal waste water? Yes – with microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris)

The set-up


Growth curves Doubling time 3.5 days

Production – over 300 hrs.

Results from Søllested Production of microalgal biomass is feasible in municipal waste water CO 2 – addition from district heating enhances growth Good potentials Much further work needed concerning best practise and best use of biomass

The future An Algal Innovation Center has just opened on Lolland We are developing proposals for European Union funding –FP7 –COST We invite interested collaborators! We are interested in biofuels, high-value products and pollution mitigation

Visions – off shore algal production