Chapter 6 – Producers: Seaweeds and Plants
The Domains of Life
Kingdom Protista – Seaweeds (algae)
Kingdom Plantae – Plants
Kingdom Protista – Seaweeds (algae)
Algal (macrophyte) structure
Marine algae in an Oregon Intertidal Zone
Phylum Chlorophyta – Green Algae
Chaetomorpha Bryopsis Green Algae
Enteromorpha Ulva Green Algae
Halimeda …a calcareous reef building alga Green Algae
Phylum Heterokontophyta: Class Phaeophyta – Brown Algae
Brown Algae Leathesia Scytosiphon
Laminaria Egregia Brown Algae
Postelsia Brown Algae
Macrocystis -- Kelp Brown Algae
Macrocystis -- Kelp Brown Algae
Class Rhodophyta – Red Algae
Calliarthron Melobesia Red Algae
Corallina Palmaria Red Algae
Microcladia Entocladia Red Algae
Mazzaella Mastocarpus Red Algae
Algae as a Human Resource
Phycocolloids Algin (brown algae) Carrageenan (red algae)
Phycocolloids Agar (red algae)
Class Rhodophyta – Red Algae Porphyra
Algae products and harvest
Evelyn McConnaughey OIMB Edible Algae
Kingdom Plantae – Plants
Phylum Anthophyta Flowering Plants Angiosperms Mangrove flowers Seagrass flower
Seagrass bed
Sea grass bed at lower edge of the intertidal zone
Seagrasses roots and rhizomes
Common Seagrass genera
Seagrass genera in Califronia waters 2 species 3 species
Seagrasses are flowering plants Reproductive plants flower Fruit with seeds
Medcalfe Marsh, near Charleston, Oregon Salt Marsh
Salt marsh mudflat Salt marsh – mudflat system
Salt Marsh plants Salicornia (pickleweed)
Spartina (cordgrass) Salt Marsh plants
Mangrove seedling
Salt Marshes and Mangroves