Lesson 7. Learning Topic: Post-trip or Post-virtual Tour analysis Focus Question: Take out your paragraph from the first lesson regarding treatment that.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 7

Learning Topic: Post-trip or Post-virtual Tour analysis Focus Question: Take out your paragraph from the first lesson regarding treatment that had been researched on animals. Read it and if your answer has changed, write a new one and explain why it has changed. If it has not changed, explain.

Activity: Survey post-trip. Did your opinions change? Why or why not?

Questionnaire Think, Pair, Share. Write down your answers to the questions below quietly and independently first, then you will have time to discuss your answers. What did you like about the trip/virtual tour? What did you dislike? What would you change? What do you remember the most? What did you learn? What did you learn about animal research that you did not know previously from the tour?

Think back to our first lesson. You were asked: What do you think of when you hear the phrase animal research? What do you think of now?