Microbiology The branch of biology concerned with the study of microorganisms and their activities
Microorganisms can be: unicellularmulticellularacellular –viruses –viroids –prions-proteinaceous infectious particle
Occurrence of Microorganisms air we breathe food we eat on the human body –Only 1 in 10 cells of the body is human, the rest are microbial –A square centimeter of skin holds about 100,000 microbes –Humans are free of microbes until they pass through the birth canal environments –extreme
Activities of microorganisms Destructive –Disease-EIDs (emerging infectious diseases) –Food spoilage –Eutrophication
Beneficial Activities –Foods - SCP (single cell protein) –C, N, S, P cycles –Decomposition –Genetic engineering (recombinant DNA technology) –Bioremediation
Bioremediation - use of microbes to remove an environmental pollutant Eutrophication - the nutrient enrichment of large aquatic habitats caused directly or indirectly by human activities
Haeckel’s 3 Kingdoms PlantAnimalProtista
Eucaryotes vs Procaryotes
Eucaryotes True nucleus –nuclear membrane –more than 1 chromosome –chromosome replicated by mitosis –membrane-bound organelles ex. algae, fungi, protozoa, plants, animals
Eucaryotic Cell
Procaryotes Nuclear area (nucleoid) –no nuclear membrane –1 chromosome –no mitosis –ribosomes are the only membrane- bound organelles ex. bacteria (rickettsia, blue-green algae), archaea
Procaryotic Cell
Major Groups of Microorganisms AlgaeFungiProtozoaBacteriaArchaeaViruses
Description of Each Eucaryotes or procaryotes? Unicellular, multicellular or acellular? Importance Field of study
Algae Eucaryotes Unicellular & Multicellular ProducersPhycology
Unicellular Alga
Multicellular Alga Kelp
Fungi Eucaryotes Multicellular except yeasts DecomposersMycology
Multicellular Fungi Amanita muscaria
Unicellular Fungi
Protozoa EucaryotesUnicellular Free-living or parasitic Protozoology and Parasitology –protozoology - study of protozoa –parasitology - study of pathogenic protozoa & multicellular parasites (worms)
Protozoa classified by means of motility Amoeba - pseudopods ex. Entamoeba histolytica - amebic dysentery Flagellates - flagella ex. Giardia lamblia - giardiasis Ciliates - cilia ex. Paramecium Sporozoa - nonmotile ex. Toxoplasma gondii - toxoplasmosis ex. Plasmodium - malaria
Amoeba Entamoeba histolytica Amebic dysentery
Flagellate Giardia lamblia Giardiasis
Ciliate Balantidium coli
Sporozoa At least one million deaths per year worldwide
Sporozoa Toxoplasma gondii Toxoplasmosis
Bacteria ProcaryotesUnicellular Photosynthesis, decomposition, parasites, biogeochemical cycles Bacteriology
Gram Positive Staphylococcus
Gram Negative Escherichia coli
ArchaeaProcaryotesUnicellular Lack typical bacterial cell wall Live in extreme environments –methanogens - produce methane –extreme thermophiles –extreme halophiles Importance - geochemical cycles Bacteriology
Rickettsia ProcaryotesUnicellular Obligate intracellular parasites Transmitted by insects & ticks Transmitted by insects & ticks ex. Rickettsia rickettsii - Rocky Mtn. Spotted fever Bacteriology
Viruses Composed of nucleic acid + protein coat Obligate intracellular parasites LatencyVirology
Immunology The study of the resistance of the living body to disease producing organisms and the reactions of living tissues to foreign substances Resistance to disease Vaccines Allergies Transplantation