Protist Diversity BIOL 1407
Protists Eukaryotes that are not plants, animals or fungi Area of intense research Taxonomy in flux
Protists ≠ Clade Informal Groups: –Algae –Protozoans –Fungal-like protists Photo Credit of Kelp: Stef Maruch, 2007, Wikimedia Commons
Body Organization Unicellular Colonial Multicellular Dinobryon, a colonial golden brown alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera (a red alga)
Membrane Transport Gas exchange Waste disposal Water balance Ion balance Ciliates (Stentor and Paramaceium)
Water Balance Watch videos of Contractile Vacuoles transport.htm#Paramecium_- _Contractile_Vacuoleshttp:// transport.htm#Paramecium_- _Contractile_Vacuoles du/allen/ch09/video/vid-1/ du/allen/ch09/video/vid-1/
Nutrition Autotrophs Heterotrophs –Ingestive –Absorptive Mixotrophs
Algae Autotrophic protists Some mixotrophs Important in food chains in aquatic habitats Includes –Phytoplankton –Seaweeds Euglena
Green Algae: Volvox
Seaweed: Red Algae
Seaweed: Brown Algae
Protozoans Ingestive heterotrophs Mostly unicellular Planktonic or sessile Free-living or parasites
Fungal-like Protists Resemble fungi during life cycle Make spores More closely related to amoeboids than fungi Photo Credit: Dr. Tom Volk, 3.html 3.html
Plasmodial Slime Molds
Cellular Slime Molds
The End Unless otherwise specified, all images in this presentation came from: Campbell, et al Biology, 8 th ed. Pearson Benjamin Cummings.