Practical Review Lab 2
Name the Kingdom covered in Lab 2 Fungi
Multicellular fungi are composed of filaments called Hyphae Masses of hyphae are referred to as Mycelium
The sexual life for all fungi is Zygotic Meiosis In which the zygote undergoes: Meiosis
Name the Phylum Ascomycota Name the structures: Ascus with ascospores
Name the Phylum Name the structures: Basidiomycota Basidium with basidospores
What group of fungi are only known to reproduce asexually? Imperfect Fungi Name the structures indicated by the arrow Conidia on Conidiophores
A lichen is a symbiotic relationship between: A photobiont (green alga or cyanobacterium) and a mycobiont (fungus, usually Ascomycota) Fruticose Crustose Foliose Name the body form for each lichen pictured