Lab 8 Chlorophyta, Lichens, Symbiosis
Green Plants Common name: Green plants Synonyms: Viridiplantae Mode of nutrition: Autotrophic; green chloroplasts (some parasitic members) Habitat: Freshwater, marine, terrestrial Growth habit: Unicellular, filamentous, various multicellular Cell wall: Cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins Undulipodia (“flagella”): Whiplash (2 to 1000+) or none
Green Plants Food storage: Starch Clonal reproduction: zoospores, aplanospores, multicellular propagules, vegetative Sexual reproduction: Unicellular, haploid dominant, diploid dominant, alternation of generations Included Phyla: Chlorophyta, Hepatophyta, Anthocerophyta, Bryophyta, Lycophyta, Psilotophyta, Sphenophyta, Pterophyta, Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Coniferophyta, Gnetophyta, Anthophyta
Chlorophyta General features of the green plants Common name: Green algae Synonyms: None Habitat: Freshwater, marine, terrestrial Growth habit: Unicellular, colonial, filamentous, flat sheet, plectenchyma, parenchyma Undulipodia (“flagella”): two or more whiplash, or none Clonal reproduction: Mitosis of unicells, zoospores, rarely aplanospores
Chlorophyta Sexual reproduction: Haploid dominant, diploid dominant, alternation of generations, unicellular; isogamous, anisogamous, oogamous Representative genera: Chara, Chlamydomonas, Cladophora, Closterium, Gonium, Hydrodictyon, Monostroma, Oedogonium, Pediastrum, Scenedesmus, Spirogyra, Ulva, Volvox Recognized by: Green plants that are not “land plants” (embryophytes)
Pediastrum Chlorophyta
Scenedesmus Chlorophyta
Scenedesmus Chlorophyta
Volvox Chlorophyta
Volvox Chlorophyta
Spirogyra Chlorophyta
Spirogyra Chlorophyta
Oedogonium Chlorophyta
Cladophora Chlorophyta
Cladophora Chlorophyta
Codium Chlorophyta
Ulva Chlorophyta
Monostroma or Ulva Chlorophyta
Chara Chlorophyta
Lichens Fungus and alga Ascomycota and Chlorophyta most common (all examples in lab) Autotrophic Clonal reproduction by soredia or isidia Sexual reproduction by ascospores, followed by parasitism of free-living algae
crustose, foliose, and fruticose Lichens
crustose, from Cal Poly Pomona Lichens
Umbilicaria Lichens
Physcia Lichens
Azolla with Anabaena Mutualism
Azolla with Anabaena Mutualism
Cycad coralloid roots Mutualism
Cycad coralloid roots Mutualism