Bleach A cleaning agent that kills.
Under your sink- There could be many types of bleach under your sink waiting to disinfect, or annihilate anything it touches. Some common bleaches are hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, and sodium hypochlorite.
Usage - at your own risk Different bleaches can be used to accomplish different tasks- Hydrogen peroxide bleach is commonly used to completely remove color from hair or clothing. Chlorine bleach is the most common around the house, appropriately named ‘all-purpose’ bleach. Sodium hypochlorite bleach is used in hospitals to disinfect and kill anything on work surfaces.
Bleach - the silent killer Sodium hypochlorite bleach is possibly the most potent, killing at least 99% of germs it comes in contact with. This deadly compound, mixed with water, has been in use for over 200 years.
Who knew? Bleach is a very dangerous substance. Even in small amounts, such as 5.25% in a bottle, diluted in a water base, bleaches can be extremely toxic. Bleaches should never be mixed with any other household chemical, bad things happen. This is probably why I’ve branded it as the ‘Silent Killer.’ Caution: do not ingest
Fin Brad Caluda reminds you to not drink the things under the sink.