University of Louisiana at Monroe 702 Cole Avenue Monroe, LA Emily Williamson, Director
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Welcome to the Creeper Room 6 weeks – 18 months
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Entrance to the room Labeled with room name And age range of children in the classroom
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Entrance to the room Shoe Covers The basket below is to place used shoe covers in
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Entrance to the room Seating area for putting on shoe covers with area to store shoes.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Entrance to the room Coat rack for parents
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Entrance to the room Sign In and Out – required by state
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Entrance to the room Infant gram- required by state
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months
Reading loft Board books Plastic books Homemade books Soft toys Puppets
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Science Area Magnifiers Discovery bottles Pictures Velcro blocks
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Cozy Area used for reading or quiet play. The teachers in this classroom use pillows and soft toys to add softness to cozy area.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Cozy Area used for reading or quiet play.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Dramatic play area / Lunch tables Child size furniture As soon as children can sit up we move them to the table and they learn to sit in chairs with sides and back supports
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months The classroom teachers send home blank wooden frames for the parents to help their child decorate and place a family picture in to display in the classroom to make students feel more at home.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months The teachers in this classroom use this board by the door to remind parents when they need to send diapers, change of clothing, food, etc.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months The teachers also display many pictures of families, animals, objects etc. on walls around the room.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months The teachers also display s many pictures of families, animals, objects etc. on walls around the room.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Block s area Fine Motor area
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Active Physical Play
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Each child is assigned a bed. Each bed is labeled with the child’s name. Teachers in this classroom also place family pictures on each child’s bed to make them feel more at home.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Sanitization Canister Teachers drop toys that children have put in their mouths in the sanitization canister then they wash, rinse, sanitize in bleach water solution then air dry before putting back out for children to use.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Food Prep Area Note if you have just one sink for food prep and diaper changing sink must be sanitized after each use with bleach water solution
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Diaper Changing Area Diapers Baby Wipes Gloves Sanitization caddy Soap and water Rinse water Bleach water solution Changing pad Changing pad cover
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Each child has their own cubby labeled with their name.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Children’s individual feeding schedules are posted. Children’s allergies are posted. A cover sheet is placed over the allergy posting for confidentiality.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Storage Locking cabinets for teacher’s personal items.
ULM Child Development Center Creeper Room 6 weeks-18 months Mobiles and other colorful hanging objects for children to look at.