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Emergency Water Emergency food Water purifying Emergency preparedness
Row 1, Col 1 When a disaster strikes, immediately turn off the main water valve supplying the home. How do you ensure the water in your home’s pipes are contaminate free??
1,2 Three day supply of food and water. What is the minimum amount of day’s for an emergency “grab and go” supply kit?
1,3 Boiling, Disinfecting, and Distillation What are the three ways to purify water?
1,4 A disaster supply kit and a first-aid kit. What are the two emergency kits your home should be supplied with?
2,1 Avoid foods that are salty and high in fat and protein. How to lessen emergency water use?
2,2 A sudden change in one’s diet can cause digestive problems. Why should your emergency food supply contain items you normally consume?
2,3 Boiling for at least 2-3 minutes What is the safest way to purify water?
2,4 Your home, work, and vehicles. What three places should you have an emergency supply kit?
3,1 At least for two weeks. How many day’s of emergency water should be stored per family member?
3,2 Vegetable oils, soy beans, white rice, and dry pasta’s What foods can be stored indefinitely?
3,3 Strain it through layers of paper towels Or clean cloth. Before purifying water you should do what?
3,4 Be Prepared! What is the most effective thing you can do to protect your home and loved one’s in an emergency or disaster?
4,1 Ration it. If your emergency water supply runs low never __?___ find more
4,2 Canned meats, canned fruits, ready to eat cereals, hard candy, and canned nuts. What emergency foods that need to be consumed within one year?
4,3 Use 16 drops of unscented bleach per gallon, let stand 30 minutes and it Should have a slight bleach odor. What is the proper way to use unscented bleach to purify water?
4,4 Tornadoes. Since the 1950’s, the U.S. experienced the most deadly series of what this year?
5,1 Children and nursing mothers. Who needs more water than an active person?
5,2 Powdered milk, dried fruits, crackers in metal containers, and potatoes. What foods must be used within six months?
5,3 Must contain at least 5.25% of Sodium hypochlorite. When using iodine or other water treatment products what is the minimum percentage of sodium hypochlorite?
5, What year saw more billion dollar disasters than any year on record?