Prevention Services Taxonomy
Targeted Prevention Interventions must be targeted to high-risk groups HIV Positive Individuals are the number one priority population for HIV prevention services Other risk groups follow
HIV Prevention – Interventions Delivered to Individuals (EBI) Health education and risk-reduction counseling provided to one individual at a time, including the design of individual plans and linkage to services Must facilitate linkages to services in both clinic and community settings Must support behaviors and practices that prevent transfusion of HIV
HIV Prevention Intervention- Interventions Delivered to Groups (DEBI) Health education and risk-reduction counseling that shifts the delivery of service to groups of varying sizes Can use peer and non-peer models involving a wide-range of skills, information, education and support. Does not include educational presentations or lectures
Outreach HIV/AIDS educational interventions generally conducted by peer or paraprofessional educators face-to-face with high-risk individuals in the client’s neighborhoods or other areas where clients typically congregate Outreach usually includes the distribution of condoms, bleach, sexual responsibility kits and educational materials Must be targeted
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