Science Fair Help Use this file to look up how to use PowerPoint and Excel for your Science Fair project. Two ways to switch to SLIDE SHOW 1.Click the SLIDE SHOW icon at the bottom left corner. 2.MENU BAR > SLIDE SHOW > PLAY FROM START Remember, press the ESC key to exit PowerPoint before quitting. Do NOT save changes to Powerpoint. Switch to SLIDE SHOW mode to use this file.
How to Use this PowerPoint 1.Read all of this slide before going on. 2.If there is a page number by the title of the slide, that means there are more pages to read about that same topic. 3.You may click the HOME picture at any time to return to the Table of Contents 4. Raise your hand if you need help. While waiting for the teacher, use a quiet 6-inch voice and ask your neighbor for help. Remember, press the ESC key to exit PowerPoint before quitting. Do NOT save changes to Powerpoint.
Table of Contents Click on a button for what you need to learn/review. PowerPoint Help Data Table Help Graph Help Finding Your Files
PowerPoint Help Click on a button for what you need to learn/review. Finding Your File Typing Your Information Typing Your Information Text doesn’t fit on my slide Text doesn’t fit on my slide ⌘ Z Undo Rotating Text Boxes Adding Text Boxes
⌘ Z Undo 1.Click the HOME tab in the Toolbar 2.Click the Text tool and choose Text Box 3.Click and drag your mouse to draw the text box. 4.Type in the text box Back to PowerPoint Help
Rotating Text Boxes ⌘ Z Undo 1.Click on the text box to see the “handles.” 2.Click and drag any handle to change size. 3.Click and drag the top CIRCLE HANDLE to rotate your text box. Back to PowerPoint Help Use to rotate Click to see an example
Text Box Example ⌘ Z Undo Text boxes were added to this graph. Back to PowerPoint Help Wing Length Seconds of Flight
Finding Your File ⌘ Z Undo 1.Control Key > Student Folder 2.Click the top of the 2 nd column (DATE MODIFIED ) to see your most recent files. 3.Open the file you are looking for… example: witley scifair or witley data table Back to PowerPoint Help
Typing Your Info ⌘ Z Undo 1.Click in the big text box underneath the title and type. 2.Don’t change the font or the font size. 3.If you have more information that fits on one slide, go back to the PowerPoint Help and read about “Text Doesn’t Fit.” Back to PowerPoint Help
Text Doesn’t Fit p. 1 ⌘ Z Undo Back to PowerPoint Help If you have more information than fits on one slide (like Procedures), PowerPoint will start shrinking your text to make it fit. If this happens, just continue to type all your text and then follow the instructions on the next few slides (click mouse to advance). READ ALL of these slides about fitting the text before going back to your Powerpoint.
Text Doesn’t Fit p. 2 ⌘ Z Undo Back to PowerPoint Help
Text Doesn’t Fit p. 3 ⌘ Z Undo Back to PowerPoint Help 4.Click in the left column on the FIRST of the duplicate slides. 5.Click and drag your mouse to highlight all the text after the first text that actually fits on this slide and press DELETE. 6.Then go to the 2 nd duplicate slide and delete all of the text you kept on the 1 st slide. Click to continue…
Text Doesn’t Fit p. 4 ⌘ Z Undo Back to PowerPoint Help
Procedures Gather four tomato plants that the same height. Measure and record the starting height. Starting on a Saturday, daily feed each plant ½ cup of a specific liquid as shown here: – Plant 1: Water – Plant 2: Bleach – Plant 3: Apple Juice – Plant 4: No liquids – One week later (Saturday),, measure and record the height of each plant. – At the end of the next week (Saturday again) measure and record the height of each plant. – Enter all heights into the data table for weeks 1, 2 and 3. – Add up the 3 height measurements for each plant to record the total growth in height. – Create a chart that show the test results. Too much text that didn’t fit caused Powerpoint to shrink the text smaller. We don’t want that. CLICK TO CONTINUE Too much text that didn’t fit caused Powerpoint to shrink the text smaller. We don’t want that. CLICK TO CONTINUE E X A M P L E
Procedures p. 1 Gather four tomato plants that the same height. Measure and record the starting height. Starting on a Saturday, daily feed each plant ½ cup of a specific liquid as shown here: – Plant 1: Water – Plant 2: Bleach – Plant 3: Apple Juice – Plant 4: No liquids After the slide was DUPLICATED, text was deleted after the liquid list and p. 1 was added to the title. CLICK TO CONTINIUE After the slide was DUPLICATED, text was deleted after the liquid list and p. 1 was added to the title. CLICK TO CONTINIUE E X A M P L E
Procedures p. 2 One week later (Saturday),, measure and record the height of each plant. At the end of the next week (Saturday again) measure and record the height of each plant. Enter all heights into the data table for weeks 1, 2 and 3. Add up the 3 height measurements for each plant to record the total growth in height. P. 2 was added to the title and the first text up to the end of the liquid list was deleted. Now the information fits on two slides. Click HOUSE to go back to the TABLE OF CONTENTS P. 2 was added to the title and the first text up to the end of the liquid list was deleted. Now the information fits on two slides. Click HOUSE to go back to the TABLE OF CONTENTS E X A M P L E
Data Table Help Finding Your File ⌘ Z Undo Changing Column or Row Width/Height Changing Column or Row Width/Height Create Data Table Formulas for SUM or AVERAGE Formulas for SUM or AVERAGE Making a Graph
Finding Your File ⌘ Z Undo Back to Data Table Help 1.Control Key > Student Folder 2.Click the top of the 2 nd column (DATE MODIFIED ) to see your most recent files. 3.Open (your last name) data table example: witley data table 4.Click on the data table sheet/tab at the bottom
Create a Data Table ⌘ Z Undo Back to Data Table Help Edit the text in specific cells of your generic table to match your experiment
Column/Row Width Back to Data Table Help Put your cursor between the column letters or the row numbers and click and drag to change the width. ⌘ Z Undo
Sum or Average Back to Data Table Help Highlight your data table as shown here Click on and choose either SUM or AVERAGE This should fill in results in the Mean column. ⌘ Z Undo If your results are a Sum, change Mean of Trials to Sum of Trials
Making a Graph Back to Data Table Help Highlight your data table Click on the CHARTS TAB Choose COLUMN then 2D or 3D CLUSTERED COLUMN ⌘ Z Undo
Resize and Center Graph ⌘C⌘C TABS Click and Drag to draw a Textbox anywhere on your slide. In it, type what you need. Wing Length Back to Data Table Help
Rotate Textbox ⌘C⌘C TABS Wing Length Stretch the Textbox so all the words fit in ONE row. Rotate and move the Textbox until it looks something like this… Seconds of Flight Back to Data Table Help
Graph Help Making a Graph ⌘ Z Undo Pasting Graph in Powerpoint Pasting Graph in Powerpoint
Making a Graph Highlight your data table Choose COLUMN then 2D or 3D CLUSTERED COLUMN ⌘ Z Undo Back to Graph Help
Pasting Graph in Powerpoint Back to Graph Help Click on the BLUE BORDER of your Graph and COPY it ⌘ C Go to PowerPoint, click on the GRAPH slide, PASTE IT ⌘ V Choose COLUMN then 2D or 3D CLUSTERED COLUMN ⌘ Z Undo