Stanislaus River An overview…
History and Background One of largest tributaries to San Joaquin River Development of Basin began during the Gold Rush River is about 96 miles long, three forks Watershed is 1,075 square miles Source elevation is 1,230 feet Average annual outflow about one million acre feet
Location Upper reaches largely in Tuolumne County and in Stanislaus National Forest Three forks merge just upstream of New Melones Reservoir; Stanislaus River is boundary between Tuolumne and Calaveras Counties Enters Stanislaus County at Knights Ferry and crosses Stanislaus County At Riverbank becomes boundary between San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties to San Joaquin River
Education and Awareness Lots of publicity during long review of New Melones Dam and Reservoir Major public education and awareness event started three years ago--annual salmon festival in Knights Ferry in November—visitors increased from 1,500 first year to 3,000 last year.
Public Access and Recreation Lots of recreation activities including fishing and whitewater rafting Lots of parks and public access along the River- Federal provided by Corps, State and local Calaveras State Park, Caswell Memorial State Park Knights Ferry Recreation Area, Horseshoe Park, Orange Blossom Park, Valley Oak Campground, Oakdale Recreation Area, Jacob Meyers park, McHenry Recreation Area, Two Mile Bar, Goodwin Dam
Policy and Protection Federal ESA laws protect Chinook and Riparian Brush Rabbit and habitat Calaveras County General Plan Goals: Goal V-2 : Protect streams, rivers and lakes from excessive sedimentation due to development and grading. Goal V-3 : Protect and preserve riparian habitat along streams and rivers in the County. Stanislaus County requires 200 foot setback from riparian corridor
Policy and Protection-2 San Joaquin County General Plan has policies to protect water quality and temperature, protect riparian habitat, protect aquifer recharge, protect riparian habitat and oak trees, provide access to waterways and seek input from community resource groups
Ease of Fish Passage Watershed developed starting during Gold Rush Many dams built for irrigation and hydroelectric power generation New Melones last large dam built in California Fish access blocked about halfway up River at Goodwin Dam--built in 1913
Spawning Gravel Spawning Gravel is a critical issue for spawning success in the Stanislaus River AFRP has funded several projects to enhance spawning gravel sites in the Stanislaus Coarse gravel moves downstream, dams preclude gravel moving downstream Projects to mine gravel from adjacent floodplain areas and recontour flood plain for annual inundation
Riparian Habitat Projects have been funded and implemented to restore and enhance riparian habitat for Riparian Brush Rabbit populations on the Lower Stanislaus Take a “flight” on Google earth—most of Stanislaus River in San Joaquin County is within a band of riparian vegetation, even adjacent to urban areas. Caswell State Park provides a very large area of riparian vegetation along the Stanislaus River.
Water Quality and Temperature Water temperature is critical to fish health High water temperatures adversely affect fish health and spawning AFRP funded multi-year study of Stanislaus River water temperatures Temperature monitored for compliance with NMFS requirements DFG monitors at Knights Ferry Dissolved Oxygen estimated via flow surrogates
Silt and Sediment Control Silt and sediment balance has been disrupted in the riparian system Balance of sediment and gravel is necessary for spawning success Too much fine sediment disrupts spawning success, but sediment is not critical factor— lack of spawning gravel is…
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