INTERNATIONAL WATERS IN AFRICA COOPERATION AND GROWTH April 11, 2013 Gustavo Saltiel Program Manager, CIWA A Multi-Donor Program Supporting Cooperation.


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Presentation transcript:

INTERNATIONAL WATERS IN AFRICA COOPERATION AND GROWTH April 11, 2013 Gustavo Saltiel Program Manager, CIWA A Multi-Donor Program Supporting Cooperation in International Waters in Africa

2 Drought Exposure Flood Exposure High Climate Variability Coastal Storms/Cyclones Drought s Floods Total number of people affected annually (in thousands) DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES: (1) EXTREME EVENTS Africa’s resilience hinges on its management of water

3 Power Outages, Days per Year, 2007–08 Cost more than 5% of GDP in Malawi, Uganda and South Africa, and 1-5% in Senegal, Kenya and Tanzania (Foster and Briceno-Garmendia, 2010). DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES: (2) ENERGY NEEDS

Data Sources: GPWv3 (CIESIN and CIAT, 2005) Population in Kinshas a Cairo Lagos Khartou m Dar-es- Salaam Cape Town Dakar 8.7 million 15 million 5.6 million Data Source: UN Agglomerations Population Data DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES: (3) POP. GROWTH & URBANISATION Basic services need scaling up to meet the needs of fast growing populations & urbanization

5 Sea levels will rise… DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES: (4) CLIMATE CHANGE Africa needs growth and adaptive capacity to cope with rising temperatures, sea levels, and precipitation uncertainty. High variability in lake levels (e.g. Lake Victoria) Historical Climate variability is high (e.g. temp, precipitation) Temperatures and sea levels are expected to rise with climate change Implications on future precipitation and runoff is uncertain (climate models do not agree for most basins)

Need for Transformative Activities to Scale The Transformative Program will address development challenges in Africa through interventions in: Irrigation and water use efficiency for agriculture Watershed management Flood and other disaster risk reduction Power production and transmision Technical capacity building and knowledge systems As many of the transformative projects involve water as a primary resource, they must be developed in a coordinated manner, so as not to foreclose future development opportunities or to impact negatively on other development. Hence, the need for a regional, basin approach.

Supports cooperative management and development of transboundary river basins, lakes, and aquifers in Sub-Saharan Africa with a focus on sustainable, climate-resilient growth Incorporates lessons learned from past World Bank engagement with clients on transboundary water issues in the Nile, Niger, Zambezi, and Senegal river basins Retains program flexibility to respond to demands, needs, and opportunities specific to the context of client basins What is CIWA? Cooperation of International Waters in Africa

CIWA’s Strategic Positioning CIWA is strategically positioned to work with regional and country level organizations to map out strategies that improve resiliency and promote sustainable growth through transformative projects. Cooperation among riparians and a regional development approach has the potential for a multiplier effect CIWA’s program flexibility allows for a wide variety of engagements (analytical work, institutional strengthening, investment) CIWA enables development partners harmonization in water management and development in Africa CIWA’s positioning within the World Bank allows it to build upon a deep, long-standing partnership with recipient countries Moreover, CIWA intends to be a “catalyzer” for growth through provision of “just-in-time”, specific analytical work

Transformative Projects in Africa (1) Pwalugu Multipurpose Project (Ghana, Burkina Faso, Volta River Authority – Volta Basin) Generates substantial multi-sector benefits – irrigation, hydropower, fisheries, water supply, flood control – to meet growing regional economic needs Lesotho Highlands Water Project – Phase 2 (Lesotho, South Africa) Affirms Lesotho as the ‘water tower’ of southern Africa Provides water critical for sustainable growth in South Africa’s water scarce Gauteng Region; Major source of potential revenue for Lesotho Possibility to include energy production through pumped storage Africa Hydromet Program (Africa-wide) Reduces vulnerability to floods and droughts; improves resilience to climate risks Improves performance of water infrastructure b(e.g. by providing flow forecasting) Enhances regional cooperation

Transformative Projects in Africa (2) Rehabilitation of Lake Chad (Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon – Niger Basin) Potential to imapct 22 million people in region that depend on Lake Chad’s resources Rapidly diminishing Lake Chad (10% of size 40 years ago – 2,500 of 25,000km 2 ) is situated in a strategic geographic area Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project (Kenya – Nile Basin) Improves economic livelihoods and reduces migration and social conflict Improves quality of investment planning, preparation, and decision-making for water security and climate resilience – so that Government of Kenya pursues the most transformational new projects Nile Equatorial Lakes Water Resource Development (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda) Provides irrigation, hydropower, water access, land management to impoverished areas Targets watersheds of regional significance in the Nile; develops in sustainable manner

Supporting Cooperation through Investments in Development Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project 80MW run of the river hydropower plant on the Kagera River on the Tanzania-Rwanda border Flagship project for the Nile Basin – first of regional investment projects prepared under NBTF Total US$430M: 340M IDA, 90M AfDB Transmission lines to Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi Roughly 26MW to each country – half of current installed capacity in Burundi, and a third of that in Rwanda! Minimum impact due to RoR design; detailed resettlement Focusing on an important investment priority has enhanced cooperation among riparians and Nile Basin governments in general