THE USE OF DUAL-POLARIMETRIC RADAR DATA TO IMPROVE RAINFALL ESTIMATION ACROSS THE TENNESSEE RIVER VALLEY W.A. Petersen NASA – Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL P. N. Gatlin, L. D. Carey University of Alabama in Huntsville – Earth Systems Science Center, Huntsville, AL S. R. Jacks Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN
Motivation Reduction of costs associated with maintenance of large rain gauge network Provide a custom-tailored rainfall product specific to the end-user’s needs Independent validation of ARMOR rain rate algorithms Ground-validation for TRMM satellite measurements
Tennessee River Watershed AL MS TN GA KY SC NC 112 sub-basins 1840 km 2 189 rain gauges maintained by TVA 11 sub-basins within 100 km of the ARMOR dual-pol. radar
Advanced Radar for Meteorological & Operational Research Location: Huntsville International Airport, Huntsville, AL (Altitude 206m) C-band dual-polarimetric Doppler radar Simultaneous transmit and receive of H, V Variables: Z, V, W, ZDR, Φ DP, ρ hv Operations: 24-hrs a day / 7 days Rain volumetric scans at least every 5-min (tilts: 0.7°,1.5 °,2.0 °) Also used in research mode (e.g., RHIs, full volumes, vertically pointing scans) Routine calibration: Receiver calibrations Solar scans Self-consistency amongst variables Comparisons with TRMM and rain gauges
ARMOR Rainfall Estimation Processing System (AREPS) Grid rain rates (1 km 2 spacing) T1-line ARMOR NSSTC End-user Summation of rain rates Compute point and areal N-hr rainfall estimates Raw Iris Files
ICE PRESENT? NO YES K DP 0.3 and Z H 35? R = R(K DP ) YE S NONO Z H BAD? YE S R = R(Z H RAIN ) R=BAD NONO K DP 0.3 , Z H 35.0 dBZ Z DR 0.5 dB? YE S R > 50 mm/hr, dBZ > 50,or Z, ZDR corr. too large ? ZH > 30 dBZ, Z DR 0.5 dB? R = R(Z H,Z DR ) R = R(Z H ) ARMOR RAIN RATE ALGORITHM (1) R(K DP,Z DR ) (2) R(K DP ) (3) R(Z H,Z DR ) R = R(Z H ) GOOD DATA? YES NO R=BAD KDP ≥ 0.5? KDP< 0.5? YE S R = R(K DP ) YE S R =R(K DP,Z DR ) YE S R =R(Z H,Z DR ) no NONO YE S NONO 1-hr Accumulation 6-hr (N-hr) Accumulation
AREPS Coverage 100 km from ARMOR 11 sub-basins 42 rain gauges
AREPS Distributed Rainfall Products Rainfall products created every 5-min: 1-hr and 6-hr basin/sub-basin rainfall statistics (mean, max, min, etc) 1-hr and 6-hr basin/sub-basin rainfall statistics (mean, max, min, etc) Rainfall at critical locations (e.g., dams) Rainfall at critical locations (e.g., dams) rainfall accumulation images (1-hr, 6-hr) rainfall accumulation images (1-hr, 6-hr) Text files transmitted every hour to TVA Contain previous hour’s rainfall Contain previous hour’s rainfall used as input by inflow model input used as input by inflow model input 6-hour accumulation statistics 6-hr Basin Mosaic 1-hr rainfall (also create 6-hr rainfall)
Verification: Point Comparisons ARMOR vs. TVA rain gauges (October 2007 – June 2008) Original bias and error targets achieved (+/-20%, +/-25% respectively) Constant monitoring of calibration maintains precision and accuracy of product Before Calibration Correction Bias = -10% (-0.99 mm) Error = 12% Bias = -17% (-1.80 mm) Error = 18% After Correction Radar Rainfall Estimate Improved
Verification: Sub-basins ARMOR vs. rain gauge-derived areal mean (January 2008 – July 2008) Radar rainfall estimates averaged over each sub-basin rain-gauge network used by TVA to compute Theissen polygon values to represent each sub-basin Radar underestimates sub- basin rainfall by only 8% Random error = 20% Largely attributed to Theissen polygons (i.e, density of rain gauge network with respect to sub-basin boundaries) Gauge derived accum. (mm) Radar derived accum. (mm)
Gauge-Estimated Basin Means vs. Radar BASIN GAUGE (in) ARMOR (in) Decatur-Wheeler Guntersville-Decatur Upper Bear Creek Town Creek Why are their gauge-radar differences? Case 1 (no gauge rain when there is rain) Rain narrowly missed gauge, but radar captured Case 2 (isolated gauge “deluge”) Single gauge located in heavy rain maximum- single point translated to entire basin- results in overestimate of basin mean Case 3 (Gauge and radar match) More gauges, broader rain distribution Result: Distributed Radar Rainfall Measurement Benefits TVA Water management impacts? How might the application of distributed rainfall measurements be extended? 6-Hour Rain Accumulation (in): 12 – 6 PM, 7/9/
What’s next? Employ NCAR hydrometeor identification algorithm to remove clutter and improve precipitation calculations Correct for partial beam blockage Use ARMOR to polarimetrically “tune” nearby NEXRAD until upgraded Examine radar dominated rainfall estimates in a distributed model vs gauge only estimates