TRMM/TMI Michael Blecha EECS 823
TMI : TRMM Microwave Imager PR: Precipitation Radar VIRS: Visible and Infrared Sensor CERES: Cloud and Earth Radiant Energy Sensor LIR: Lighting Imaging Sensor TRMM Instruments
ChannelFrequencyPolarization GHzVertical GHzHorizontal GHzVertical GHzHorizontal GHzVertical GHzVertical GHzHorizontal GHzVertical GHzHorizontal TRMM/TMI Channels
Orbit height of 402km Oriented 49 o relative to nadir Beam width and effective area different per frequency Dual calibration: on board “hot load” and space as cold load TRMM/TMI Orientation Figure 1: TRMM (Kummerow et al )
36.1 scans per minute 16 orbits per day Semi-equatorial orbit (35 o incline with respect to the equator) TRMM/TMI Orbit Figure 2: Daily orbit (NASA)
TRMM/TMI Data Products TMI 1A: Raw TMI Signal PR 1A: Raw PR Signal 1B11: Calibrated Antenna Temperature 1B21: PR Power 2A12: Rainfall Structure 2A23: Rainfall Occurrences 3A11: Combined Monthly Rainfall 2B31: Combined Rainfall Structure 1C12: PR Reflectivity
Currently on version 7 of algorithm Conversion of brightness temperature to rainfall rate Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF) Land algorithm separate from ocean algorithm Land algorithm less accurate because it relies primarily on scattering from the 85G channels Ocean algorithm uses weighting of scattering and emissive upwelling radiation Extensive use of cloud models to predict rainfall based on cloud characteristics 1B11 -> 2A12
Fu, Yunfei, et al. "A feasible method for merging the TRMM microwave imager and precipitation radar data." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (2013): GES DISC. TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) LEVEL 1B Calibrated Brightness Temperature (TB) Product. n.d. 5 December Goddard Space Flight Center. NASA Facts: TRMM Instruments. n.d. 5 December Kummerow, Christian, et al. "The Evolution of the Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF) for Rainfall Estimation from Passive Microwave Sensors." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (2001): Kummerow, Christian, William Barnes and Toshiaki Kozu. "The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Sensor Package." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (1998): Wang, Nai-Yu, et al. "TRMM 2A12 Land Precipitation Product – Status and Future Plans." Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (2009): References