What is an Isohyetal? An isohyetal (or isohyet) is a line joining points of equal precipitation on a map. Texas and Western Louisiana, July 24-27, 1979,
FlowWorks.com Isohyetal maps, also known as contour maps, are a method of showing values spread over a geographic area. Another example would be how contour lines are used to show elevation changes in topographical maps. For our app, we are using contour lines to illustrate rainfall over a city or region. The gradient from red to blue shows areas of greater to lesser rainfall, based on a user-defined period.
FlowWorks.com The Technology Behind the Tool The app uses custom built Esri ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing Tools to create both the rainfall surface and rainfall contours. This allows non-GIS users to develop and create custom maps for reporting, as well as aiding in more timely decision making.
The Engineering Side (Use Cases) Identify faulty rain gauges Spatial mapping across different regions/catchments Field staff mobilization Verify issues caused by storm event (backups, etc.)
Information Mike Scott Sales Director