Monitoring Food Security Mario Zappacosta, FAO/GIEWS 3 rd CRAM Workshop, Nairobi, September 26, 2011
FAO Global Information and Early Warning System It was established in 1975 to monitor the food supply and demand situation at global, regional and country levels in order to provide early warnings of impending serious food shortages.
Main GIEWS activities Monitoring and analysing food security: Food production/supply, utilization, import requirements and food aid needs Information regularly monitored: –Rainfall and other weather-related variables –NDVIs –Input availability and prices –Prices of main food commodities –Trade (formal & cross border) –Policies with an impact on food security (e.g. trade restrictions, safety nets, food voucher distributions, etc…) –Access to markets –Vulnerability analysis –Macro-economic data
Main GIEWS activities Main sources of information –Satellite images –National and regional meteorological data –Rainfall estimates –Regional EW& FS bulletins (FEWSNET, FSNAU, JRC, etc…) –National statistics –Government and UN reports on FS –Trade bulletins –FAO trade data by source/destination –FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Missions –National Vulnerability Assessments –Other Need Assessment reports –Newswire services
Reporting: Regular publications: –Food Outlook (biannual) –Crop Prospects & Food Situation (quarterly) –Country Briefs (bimonthly) –Global Price Monitor Bulletin (monthly) –FAO Cereal Supply and Demand Brief (monthly) Other publications: –FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Missions –Special Alerts Main GIEWS activities
Other GIEWS products: –Country Cereal Balance Sheets (CCBS) –National and international food prices database GIEWS Food Price Data and Analysis Tools –Interpolated Estimated Decadal Rainfall for Africa Countries –Food trade database (by source/destination) –Country Policy Monitoring database
Country Cereal Balance Sheets Wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, millet, barley, oats, coarse grains and total cereals
Cereal Supply/Demand Balances for Sub-Saharan Africa
Estimated Decadal Rainfall Quantitative estimate of rainfall combining METEOSAT derived Cold Cloud Duration imagery and data on observed rainfall (GTS-Global Telecommunication System by the NOAA Climate Prediction Centre) Source: NOAA/FEWSNET; FAO/NRCB-Agrometeorology Group