By: Tyler Sebree Major: Atm. Sci. Minor: Psychology Sooo Much Physics & Math, but Please Bare with Me!
* Impacts of Air-Sea Interaction on Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity * By: Liguang Wu, Bin Wang & Scott A. Braun The Article! Hereeeee we go!
What Is A Hurricane??? Yet Again, Background Info. Key Components Key Components: The Eye, Eye Wall, Central Dense Overcast, Outflow, Rainbands
Lifespan of a Hurricane TROPICAL STORM HURRICANE Tropical Depression (winds 74mph)
The Saffir-Simpson Scale Otherwise known as the scale that measures a hurricane’s strength based on wind speed. CATASTROPHIC However, a category 1 can be just as CATASTROPHIC as a category 5 because of the many other components of a hurricane (coming up on the next slide).
1. Winds 2. Heavy Rainfall Elements of a Hurricane 3. Storm Surge/Rip Tides 4. Tornadoes
Purpose : determine relative roles of the weak symmetric and strong asymmetric sea surface temperature anomalies relative to the tropical cyclone center. B/c other experiments didn’t… Paper Time !
*SST anomalies that result from 3-D coupled models of hurricanes make up the axially symmetric and asymmetric components relative to the TC center 1.Past studies say that the symmetric component of storm-induced SST anomaly field could play a key role in lowering storm intensity 2.Previous studies disagree regarding impacts of air-sea interaction on TC motion. One experiment (south) attributed differences in TC track to asymmetric precipitation patterns that were shifted azimuthally (b/c I can’t think of any words to describe this word)… 3.Another experiment saw TC track to north. Suggested “that this track deviation is related to a systematic decrease in the azimuthally averaged tangential flow of the TC vortex” (Please do not ask about this statement -_- ) Vocab/Background
A.Determine if the symmetric SST anomalies are fully responsible for the lowering of storm intensity B.To figure out why other studies have differing results regarding TC track Paper’s Goals…
Well, the a/symmetric SST anomalies are investigated numerically with a coupled hurricane-ocean model. Also, this study takes into account other studies’ contradictory results. Ex: the impacts of air-sea interaction on TC motion. How It Went Down
…AND Experimental Design Coupled Hurricane-Ocean Model *First, we will look at the Hurricane Model component. Uses… x 201 grid points w/ a uniform spacing of 25 km Primary model physics… 1. Large-scale condensation 2. Subgrid-scale cumulus convection parameterized w/ a Newtonian cooling 3. Surface fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat
Ocean Model *Oceanic response to forcing of moving TC can be divided into TWO stages… 1.Forced Stage Response : local response that includes OML currents of 1m/s and considerable cooling of OML in right rear quadrant near vertical mixing (lasts ½ day) 2. Relaxation Stage Response : occurs after a TC passes; it is nonlocal & baroclinic in response to wind stress curl from TC (lasts 5-10 days) Coupled Model (Cont.)
~I’ll try to explain this sentence : “The energy is spread through internal waves that penetrate into the thermocline (see picture), and leaves behind a baroclinic geostrophic current along the storm track.” To account for the above craziness, this ocean model must be accompanied by OML physics (YAY!) and thermocline and upper ocean dynamics! More Ocean Model!!
How about Some More Ocean Model? Wish things were solved this way…
Experimental Design Table showing the three sets of idealized numerical experiments and each of their four respective experiments
Different Experiments Conducted: **Each set has 4 exp. conducted for it! 1.Fixed SST 2.Coupled 3.Symmetric-only SST forcing 4.Asymmetric-only SST forcing Table shows three sets of idealized numerical experiments with differing environmental influences Different Sets : 1.E1 simplest case; run on an “f” plane with a horizontally uniform easterly ambient flow 2.E2 on beta plane in resting environ.; vortex movement arises from beta drift 3.E3 combination of E1 and E2 Experimental Design (Cont.)
Where Do These Experiments Start?
Ocean Response in Coupled Model -OML current increases quickly while the min. temp. decreases rapidly during first 24 hours
Ocean Response at 96 Hours
96 Hours (Cont.) Graph (a): sea surface temp. anomaly Graph (b): mixed layer depth anomaly Graph (c): entrainment rate Graph (d): thermocline depth anomaly Graph (e): Currents in the mixed layer Graph (f): Currents in the thermocline layer Both axes are distance in kilometers on all 6 graphs
--The TC intensities and tracks are compared with the corresponding fixed- SST experiments discussed previously… Figure: depicts the overall air-sea interaction phenomenon this is the large system that’s being discussed in this paper Its influence on TC intensity and track is crucial in terms of understanding TC’s strength and expected pathway Results (Air-Sea Interaction on TCs)
Exp. E1 Results (I. Intensity Change) Left side = time series of the max. wind speed Right side = min. central pressure Exp. E2
Intensity Change (Cont.) Exp. 3 What these 6 graphs depict is the TC intensities for the three sets compared with the corresponding fixed-SST exp. In terms of the max. wind speed and min. central pressure
*MAIN POINT : air-sea interaction reduces TC intensity because of mixed layer cooling Asymmetric Component… Asymmetric SST field can affect TC intensity ONLY through the resulting inner-core TC asymmetries Symmetric Component… Overall, symmetric component plays key role in TC intensity Intensity Change In Words
Results (II. TC Tracks) Part 1 TC tracks in fixed SST and coupled experiments (Left: E1 ; Right: E2)
TC Tracks Part 2 E3 is on the left side and B2’s results are on the right side
TC Tracks Part 3 B1 is on the left side & B3 is on the right side Q: What do 6 graphs have in common? A: Well, the TCs generally move westward in all scenarios
Influence of air-sea coupling on TC tracks is small but persistent TCs in coupled exps. are displaced to the south compared to the corresponding exps. without air-sea interaction Asymmetric convection w/ respect to a TC center can directly affect motion Asymmetric-only forcing leads to increased rainfall rate compared w/ the fixed SST exp. TWO REASONS WHY Intense hurricanes tend to be quite symmetric Track Change in Words
Evolution of Rainfall Rates (Set E1)
Evolution of Rainfall (Set E2)
Evolution of Rainfall (Set E3)
Background Info if we consider the cyclonic rotation of air parcels as they rise, the enhanced rainfall rates are related to the positive SST anomalies ahead of the TC center Thus, these persistent rainfall asymmetries typically shift the TC tracks marginally southward in coupled experiments of sets E2 and E3 Why is Rain Important?
Conclusions 1. Symmetric-only exp. results in northward moving storms 2. Asymmetric-only exp. results in southward moving storms 3. Fixed SST exps. are used to show how the symmetric & asymmetric SST exps. affect TC movement NOTES
The three sets of numerical experiments—each of which has four exps. conducted for it—are used in this experiment overall The results are compared to previous data, which enables experimenters to produce major features of the ocean responses to moving TC forcing including OML deepening, SST cooling, & OML & thermocline layer currents Influence of asymmetric component is small symmetric component cooling plays a key role in weakening TCs Thus, evolution of TC can be simulated via only symmetric SST decreases caused by air-sea coupling Asymmetric SST forcing intensifies the rainfall rates on the front left-hand side Movement is variable depending on what component you are looking at OK, It’s The Last Conclusion Slide
Well, I think the experiment is very accurate, precise & has credible background information The simplification of the information presented in the paper is not problematic in regards to the ending results I think the two components—intensity and track—of TCs are both undoubtedly affected by air-sea interaction, even if it is only a slight amount Also, I think there should be a continuance of experimentation in this subfield of atmospheric sciences/climatology b/c there are other variables (i.e., sea spray) that weren’t taken into account in this experiment Lastly, I believe this b/c as time goes on and as the climate continues to evolve, TC components, configurations & characteristics could change, which could call for new experimentation being needed to study how air- sea interactions manipulate TC track and intensity Tyler’s Opinion