The Chernobyl accident Nuclear exposion
Nasťa Eremek 9 years old Cancer of the uterus Cured by chemotherapy m/watch?v=5HLkD57 pJhY&feature=player _embedded m/watch?v=5HLkD57 pJhY&feature=player _embedded
Model town for workers 50,000 residents were evacuated still heavily contaminated watch?v=2TNR0U_kB6k& feature=related watch?v=2TNR0U_kB6k& feature=related Pripyat
New city in 2013 In 2013, lower level of radiation
deforestation in Amazonia Deforestation in Amazonia 1/3 has already disappeared important regulator of rainfall and earth´s temperature
controversial and non- governmental organization 3 million members in 41 countries protecting and preserving the environment
My sins Separating the rubbish Wasting of water Wasting of energy