1 Management of Fresh Water Wetlands in Bangladesh: Issues and Strategy Presented by Ainun Nishat IUCN-Bangladesh ---- Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management at Cox’s Bazaar and Hakaluki Haor- CWBMP Inception Workshop 21 June 2003
2 Characteristics of the Haors Piedmont areas Flood plain Deeply flooded area Hydrology Agriculture
4 Development Activities Flood Management Strategies: -Partial flood control -full flood control -drainage and irrigation Impact on agriculture -B. Aman or Aus/Aman -L.Boro -B. Aman Aus + T Aman -L.Boro HYV Boro
5 Value of wetlands FRESH WATER WETLANDS CONTAIN: a great diversity of flora and fauna including diversity in agricultural crops; a large number of endangered species of international interest; provide habitat to a wide variety of resident and migratory waterfowls; have potentials to support eco-tourism;
6 Degradation of wetlands (causes) I ncrease of population and expansion of human habitats; expansion of agriculture and conversion of wetlands through drainage of water bodies into rice-fields; flood control and irrigation projects for enhancement of agricultural productivity; ill-planned national, local and rural infrastructures like roads, narrow culverts etc.;
7 DEGRADATION OF WETLANDS ( contd..) over-felling of wetland trees; over-fishing and associate disturbances; siltation due to degradation of the watershed areas which are often transboundary in nature; indiscriminate regulation of flows of the river systems in the upper riparian areas; and pollution of water due to industrial, urban, agrochemical and other types of pollutants including pollution from trans-boundary sources.
8 Impacts of wetland degradation a serious reduction in fish habitat, fish population and diversity; many species of flora and fauna are threatened with possibility of extinction; indigenous varieties of rice are disappearing; increase in the recurrence of flashfloods;
9 Impacts Of Wetlands Degradation (contd..) loss of natural soil nutrients; loss of natural water reservoirs and of their resultant benefits; and degeneration of wetland-based ecosystem, living conditions of local people are deteriorating as livelihoods, socio-economic institutions and cultural values are affected.
11 NATIONAL WATER POLICY Section 4.9 Water and Fisheries and Wildlife Fisheries and wildlife to receive due emphasis in water resource planning specially in areas where their social impact is high Measures to be taken to minimize disruption to the natural aquatic environment in streams and water channels. Water bodies like baors, haors, beels, roadside borrow pits, etc. to be reserved for fish production and development.
12 NATIONAL WATER POLICY ( contd…) Perennial links of these water bodies with the rivers to be properly maintained. Water development plans not to interrupt fish movement and make adequate provision in control structures for allowing fish migration and breeding.
13 Present day approaches of Water Management in Bangladesh The main goal of water management is to support the agriculture towards achieving self sufficiency in food. Attention is on crop sector only; crop means cereals; focus is on High Yielding Varieties. Wetland management is not addressed separately in water management activities.
14 For stopping further degradation of wetlands significance of wetlands in the national, zonal and local level planning process must be recognized; sustainable and comprehensive agricultural practices and land use patterns need to be devised; functions of selected wetlands be rehabilitated; introduction of sustainable management practices at all levels; technical knowledge, planning and management capabilities be enhanced; Attention given to awareness, education and research aspects.
15 Towards proper management of wetlands Following steps are necessary : wetland mapping and landscape planning Declaration of critical wetlands as protected areas, if considered necessary. identification of problems through PRA exercise; conservation and protection measures including eutrophication abatement,
16 Towards management of wetlands (contd…) wildlife conservation and fisheries development; environmental awareness and organizational set- up. Develop institutional funding arrangements through integrated mechanisms at national, regional and international levels. Legislation is needed to regulate all activities which impact wetlands.
17 Summing up Land and water managers must pay attention to issues related to open water fisheries. Mechanism for resolving conflicts among fish, land and water management approaches are to be evolved. Appropriate land-use policy/ strategy need to implemented. Sanctuaries must be set up urgently. Awareness on relevant issues at all level (policy level as well as at project level) be created.
18 Thank You