The Wetland Frontier: A Vanishing Resource C Perry Shull (G 305) Dr. Isiorho-Advisor Dept. of Geosciences IPFW April 16,2002
Wetland Losses since 1780
Indiana Wetland Status Total Land Area Acres23,226,240 Estimated Wetlands Circa 1780’s5,600,000 Acres Percentage as Wetlands Circa 1780’s24.1 % Existing Wetlands Today813,000 Acres Percentage as Wetlands Today3.5 %Percentage of Wetlands Lost85 %
Current Wetland Acreage
Site LocationSite Location
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Twin Eagles
Wetland Descriptions
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Wetlands Vs. Plat
Recharge - Discharge
Site Photos
Real Estate Tax Comparison
Conclusions Wetlands are extremely important to mankind and provide many useful services. Society still shows contempt for nature as it sees wetlands as nothing more that ugly swamps that need to be drained. The cycle of urban growth continues at the expense of the environment while government reaps a tax windfall.