Grassland & Wetland session Wetland workshop summary: Matthias Drösler Grassland & Wetland synthesis paper Plant functional traits PASIM modelling Other papers to be prepared
Grassland & Wetland synthesis paper Planning: submit before the end of the year Data checks: send to Katja Klumpp Comments on the text: send to Jean-Francois Soussana Authorship: according to the sites included in the analysis
Grassland & Wetland synthesis paper Main issues Terminology: grassland and wetlands? Peatlands? Grasslands on mineral or organic soils Where does the C go? Relate NBP to soil C stocks (need data from soil activity) Give % values of soil C accumulation Relate soil respiration with SOM stocks Reconcile with long term experiments and soil surveys Issue of storage in deep soil and recalcitrant C stability (see Fontaine) Other losses DOC/DIC; Jan Siemens give range of losses VOC? CH 4 : can we include soil emission oxydation... N 2 O : we use estimates mostly, link with NEU?
Other issues Climate variability
Next steps Upscaling using agricultural statistics (livestock density, grazing type, N fertiliser amounts) Show that strong herbage utilisation (the livestock footprint) in some regions reduces the sink size. Run PASIM since 1900 and test the role of global change (CO 2, warming, N deposition..) and management change drivers for the grassland and wetland C balance Test climate sensitivity: 2003?
Grassland & Wetland other synthesis papers - Climate variability, water balance, water use (involve Markus Reichstein, Christian Beer, others?) -Need WUE from 13C coordinated with plant traits and LAI - C-N relationships - Construct budgets, link with NEU - Cristof Ammann, others? - Plant functional traits and C fluxes -Test current ecological hypothesis on leaf traits controlling primary productivity (Katja, Maria Teresa, Others?) - New wetland synthesis ? - include more on eg CH 4, water table management? - Modelling with PASIM (K Klumpp) - Site scale - Upscaling with PASIM : > current (N Vuichard)