Federal Realty Investment Trust (FRIT) Eastgate Shopping Center Chapel Hill, NC September 9, 2008
YearBackground Summary of Events/Actions 2000Major flooding event caused millions of dollars in damages to Eastgate Shopping Center Town of Chapel Hill received enhancement grant for Lower Booker Creek Linear Park 2002FRIT made significant investment for drainage and flood reduction improvements 2004FRIT studied alternatives for further flood reductions and water quality improvements, and held stakeholder meeting 2007FRIT made significant improvements to the retail center 2008FRIT proposes to design stormwater wetland and donate land to Town
Project Purpose Community benefits Public use and enjoyment Water quality education Passive recreation (greenway spur) Environmental benefits Water quality Wildlife habitat preservation and enhancement Floodplain storage Meets RCD goals and objectives Demonstrates BMP retrofit in Jordan Lake watershed
History of site tells story of development in harm’s way Runoff and pollutants are generated Mitigation and education is the way forward=
Overview of Watershed Approx. 60 acre watershed 60% residential 30% commercial 10% undeveloped
Conceptual Wetland Design Site is Ur (Urban) soils (previously disturbed) Treat TN and TP to the extent possible using DWQ design methods Boardwalk with educational overlooks and signage Example of constructed wetland design
A conceptual sketch of proposed wetland, based on EEP study (CH2MHill 2007)
Proposed wetland site 30’ OWASA easement Existing plat with proposed wetland site and existing easements
Project site
Summary of FRIT Proposal In coordination with Town, FRIT designs stormwater wetland and boardwalk to CD/ZCP permit stage FRIT turns over permitted CDs to Town FRIT donates land (ca. 2 – 3 acres) to Town Proposed design schedule is 12 months Town constructs wetland within a 3-year period from land transaction
Subwatershed of Jordan Lake Identified by Town of Chapel Hill as BL10 Booker Creek drains to Jordan Lake
A Sampling of Stormwater conditions to mitigate in this sub-basin Pre-FIRM Development Stream Bank Erosion & Poor water quality Sedimentation
Lower Booker Creek an impaired stream “Impaired” – Listed in 2000 by NC Division of Water Quality on 303(d) list as “biologically impaired” Still listed in 2008 Nutrient Sensitive Water (NSW) Water Supply Watershed (WS-IV) Subject to Jordan Lake TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) for nutrients “High priority” restoration site identified by EEP and TMDL trading study
Booker Creek water quality data – fair to poor Source: Haw River Assembly
Source: CH2MHill (2007)
TMDL Trading Study concurs
Recreation, wildlife habitat, and public education
Lower Booker Creek Linear Park (Town of Chapel Hill Master Plan) Bicycle and pedestrian greenway trail plan previously approved by Town of Chapel Hill Links existing and anticipated residential and commercial employment centers between US15-501, Franklin Street and Elliot Road Provides scenic beautification, public education, and environmental restoration of the Lower Booker Creek corridor
(Old) Lower Booker Creek Linear Park Map shows initial plan using DOT Enhancement Grant FRIT-proposed wetland is larger than that shown in this concept plan, and smaller than the proposed TMDL wetland
Lower Booker Creek Trail (Town of Chapel Hill Parks Master Plan) Spur trail proposed as part of the wetland project Provides water quality and natural resource education around wetland site
Wildlife Habitat Existing vegetation is not very beneficial for wildlife habitat - invasive species, non-native species, and non-beneficial natives Proposed wetland will enhance wildlife habitat by utilizing beneficial existing vegetation, and planting additional beneficial native vegetation
Public Education Spur trail and wetland boardwalk with wildlife habitat and water quality signage
Design and permitting team will coordinate directly with Town staff Legal council will coordinate directly with Town Attorney FRIT and Town will hold meetings as needed throughout the design and legal coordination process, proposed to be 12 months
Anticipated Permitting Needed State (401) certification Federal (404) permit Town of Chapel Hill RCD Encroachment Administrative Zoning Compliance Permit Sedimentation and Erosion Control (Orange County)
Next steps Input from stakeholders will be considered FRIT and Town will reach agreement concerning process and timelines Wetland design, coordination, and permitting commences (by FRIT) 12 month design process Town may apply for grants and consider other financing options to construct wetland and boardwalk Town will construct within a 3-year period from design completion and land transfer