EU Wetland conservation policy. Communication on the Wise Use and Conservation of Wetlands (1995) => first European document dedicated exclusively.


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Presentation transcript:

EU Wetland conservation policy

Communication on the Wise Use and Conservation of Wetlands (1995) => first European document dedicated exclusively to the conservation of wetlands => provided the strategic basis for the wetlands policy

Water Framework Directive Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy Horizontal Guidance on the Role of Wetlands in the Water Framework Directive

Other European legislation of relevance to wetlands => Nitrates Directive => Groundwater Directive => Flood Risk Management Directive

LIFE and wetlands

The new LIFE Regulation ( )

1. Context: the Impact Assessment LIFE+ ( ) is a successful instrument. EU Action for Environment & Climate is necessary. But… Better Thematic Prioritisation is needed. Further simplification is possible. Management can be improved.

2. Objectives of the LIFE Programme ( ) LIFE should be used as a catalyst; LIFE should promote implementation and integration of environment and climate objectives in other policies and Member State practice, including mainstreaming; Emphasis will also be placed on better governance; Specific link to EU priorities: resource efficiency, biodiversity loss and climate adaptation and mitigation.

2. Objectives: Proposed targets 6% River basin districts brought to adequate management 5% Regions adequately managing waste 5% of EU population benefiting from improved air quality 25% habitats targeted by projects have improved conservation status 25% species targeted by projects have improved conservation status 3% ecosystem services restored 10% Natura2000 network adequately managed.

3. Structure for period and budget: overview Creation of two sub-programmes: LIFE sub-programme for Environment, including as priorities areas environment and resource efficiency, nature and biodiversity, and governance and information LIFE sub-programme for Climate Action, including as priorities areas adaptation, mitigation and governance and information Interventions similar to LIFE+ (projects, NGOs operating grants) and new ones (integrated projects, capacity building, financial instruments) Budget: €3,456.7 (€2,592.5 for ENV, €864.2 for CLIMA)

3. Structure for period: overview

3. Structure: sub-programme for Environment Three priority areas: 1.Environment & Resource Efficiency: Development, testing and demonstration of policy approaches, best practices and solutions to environmental problems, including innovative technologies; Shift focus towards implementation through Integrated Projects (waste, water, air); Includes a specific objective in relation to Resource Efficiency

3. Structure Sub-programme for Environment 1.Biodiversity: Focused on Natura2000 (in particular Integrated Projects to implement Prioritised Action Frameworks); and the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020; Best practice and demonstration projects for nature and biodiversity 55% of resources allocated to projects under the sub- programme for Environment.

3. Structure Sub-programme for Environment 1.Environmental Governance & Information: Supports information and awareness raising projects and activities and facilitates knowledge sharing; Supports cooperation networks, and best practices for enforcement and compliance; Promotes better governance and supports environmental NGOs.

3. Structure Sub-programme for Environment 1.Thematic Priorities for funding- defined in Annex III including: Thematic Priorities for Nature and for Biodiversity; Thematic Priorities for Water, including the marine environment; Thematic Priorities for Waste; Thematic Priorities for Resource Efficiency, including soil and forests and green and circular economy; Thematic Priorities for Environment and Health, including chemicals and noise; Thematic Priorities for Air Quality and Emissions, including the urban environment; Thematic Priorities for Information and Governance This will be translated into project topics for funding in the Multiannual work programme

3. Structure Sub-programme for Climate Action Multiannual Financial Framework for sets out budgetary framework and main orientations for delivering Europe 2020 strategy Climate as integral part of all main instruments and interventions  “Mainstreaming” Commission’s intention to increase the proportion of climate related expenditure to at least 20% in the next EU budget ( )  LIFE should also contribute to this goal

Priority areas and their objectives: Climate Change Mitigation contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Climate Change Adaptation supports efforts leading to increased resilience to climate change Specific objectives:  Implement and develop Union policy and legislation and mainstream activities across policy areas  Improve and apply knowledge base in practice  Develop and implement integrated strategies and action plans  Develop and demonstrate innovative technologies, systems, methods and instruments for replication, transfer or mainstreaming 3. Structure Sub-programme for Climate Action

LIFE Climate Governance and Information contributes to raising awareness, communication, networks, cooperation platforms, raise compliance and enforcement of legislation, better governance and dissemination on climate mitigation and adaptation actions

4. The Tools/Types of Funding: overview Action Grants at least 81% of the budget, both traditional and new types of projects: integrated Projects, technical assistance projects for IPs, Capacity building projects and preparatory projects Operating Grants (NGOs, IMPEL)- no earmarking but about 3% of the Programme- 70% co-financing rate; Other types of funding- public procurement (e.g., studies, conferences, service contracts, technical assistance for the monitoring of LIFE, etc.)- no earmarking but about 15% of the Programme NEW: Possibility to make contributions to innovative financial instruments to finance projects –To be decided by an assessment –Funds to be transferred from action grants Operating grants and Other types of funding cannot exceed 19% of ENV sub-programme budget

Example ENV sub-programme

4. The tools: Action grants overview Action Grants: At least 81% of the budget for the Programme (approx. €2,800 million): –Traditional projects: best practice, innovation and demonstration projects, as well as dissemination/information projects and governance projects –Integrated projects: projects aiming at the implementation on a large territorial scale plans and strategies required by EU legislation in the areas of nature, water, waste, air; –Preparatory projects : projects identified by the Commission to support specific needs for the implementation and development of EU environmental or climate policy and legislation –Capacity building projects: financial support to the activities required to build the capacity of Member States with a view to enabling their more effective participation in LIFE

4. The tools: Action grants co-financing rates 60% co-financing for Projects under Nature and Biodiversity BUT 75% co-financing for projects targeting priority habitats and species 60% co-financing for Integrated projects, preparatory projects and technical assistance projects 100% co-financing for capacity building projects All other projects, i.e., traditional projects under the sub-programme of Climate Action and traditional projects under priorities Environment and Resources Efficiency and Environment Governance and information Projects in the sub-programme for Environment :  60% co-financing during the first multiannual work programme ( )  55% co-financing during the second multiannual work programme( )

5. Territorial Scope Possible participation of Third Countries (as per current LIFE+) – based on supplementary funding. Possible co-operation with International Organisations (e.g., international studies such as TEEB). Activities outside the Union and in OCTs possible in when: Action outside the EU is necessary to achieve EU environmental/climate objectives; and To ensure the effectiveness of interventions carried out in the MS; and The coordinating beneficiary is based in the EU.

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