Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability EPA Programs Supporting Flood Risk Management and Community Sustainability Association.


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Presentation transcript:

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability EPA Programs Supporting Flood Risk Management and Community Sustainability Association of State Floodplain Managers May 23, 2012 Association of State Floodplain Managers May 23, 2012 John McShane Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds Environmental Protect Agency

The goals of floodplain management: “To reduce the loss of life and property caused by floods and to protect and restore the natural resources and functions of floodplains.” “To reduce the loss of life and property caused by floods and to protect and restore the natural resources and functions of floodplains.” A Unified National Program for Floodplain Management, 1994 Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability

Naturally Functioning Floodplains: Provide flood storage and conveyanceFacilitate groundwater recharge Reduce wave damage Provide erosion control Prevent impairments of surface waters Improve water quality (e.g. denitrification) Provide habitats for flora and fauna Reduce nonpoint source pollution Reduce sediments loads 70% of Nation’s wetlands Reduces flood heights and velocities Enhance property values Provide open space and scenic amenities Provide recreational opportunities Provide historical, archaeological, and Have rich alluvial soils for agric cultural opportunities

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability “Waters of the U.S.” Two U.S. Supreme Court decisions limit scope of “waters of the U.S.” protected by the CWA. Two U.S. Supreme Court decisions limit scope of “waters of the U.S.” protected by the CWA. EPA and Corps – guidance to clarify scope of WOUS, OMB reviewing. EPA and Corps – guidance to clarify scope of WOUS, OMB reviewing. Implications for floodplain management Implications for floodplain management

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability “Waters of the U.S.” “…significant nexus to a traditional navigable water...” “…significant nexus to a traditional navigable water...” “...[W]etlands possess the requisite nexus, and thus come within the statutory phrase 'navigable waters,' if the wetlands…significantly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of other covered waters more readily understood as 'navigable.'" “...[W]etlands possess the requisite nexus, and thus come within the statutory phrase 'navigable waters,' if the wetlands…significantly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of other covered waters more readily understood as 'navigable.'"

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability “Green Infrastructure” Low Impact Development (LID) Purpose is to mimic or recreate the predevelopment hydrology of the site (volume of runoff). Purpose is to mimic or recreate the predevelopment hydrology of the site (volume of runoff). “Green” approach provides multiple benefits: reduces flood losses, maintains base flow, improves water quality, provides habitats, etc. “Green” approach provides multiple benefits: reduces flood losses, maintains base flow, improves water quality, provides habitats, etc. “Green” is often less expensive than “gray.” “Green” is often less expensive than “gray.”

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability “Green Infrastructure” Low Impact Development (LID) LID projects include roadside swales, infiltration basins, rain gardens, subdivision designs, etc. LID projects include roadside swales, infiltration basins, rain gardens, subdivision designs, etc. CRS provides credits for LID. CRS provides credits for LID.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability “Green Infrastructure” Low Impact Development (LID) Improves water quality: Reduction in runoff means a reduction in pollutant loadings. Reduction in runoff means a reduction in pollutant loadings. Reduction in stream bank erosion, a major source of sediments and nutrients. Reduction in stream bank erosion, a major source of sediments and nutrients.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability “2 year” storm (3.8 in.) Peak flows (cfs) “100 year” storm (7.9 in.) Peak flows (cfs) Level of Development Drainage Area (sq. miles) CurrentGIForestCurrentGIForest Low Medium High “Green Infrastructure” Table 2. Sample hydrologic computations for three subwatersheds. Medina, Daniel, Green Infrastructure Benefits for Floodplain Management: A Case Study. Stormwater Magazine

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Wetlands Store floodwaters, ecologically productive, provide critical habitats, improve water quality (“world’s best filters”), buffer storm surge, etc.; Store floodwaters, ecologically productive, provide critical habitats, improve water quality (“world’s best filters”), buffer storm surge, etc.; Especially important for retaining floodwaters from the more frequent floods; Especially important for retaining floodwaters from the more frequent floods; 70% of wetlands are found within coastal and riverine floodplains. 70% of wetlands are found within coastal and riverine floodplains.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Coastal Wetlands Status and Trends of Wetlands report found a net loss of 59,000 acres/per year of wetlands in coastal watersheds. Status and Trends of Wetlands report found a net loss of 59,000 acres/per year of wetlands in coastal watersheds. Coastal wetlands are critical habitat Coastal wetlands are critical habitat for over 60% of sport and commercial fisheries.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Coastal Wetlands Initiative Develop a better understanding of the stressors causing losses. Develop a better understanding of the stressors causing losses. Provide information to better protect and restore coastal wetland resources. Provide information to better protect and restore coastal wetland resources. Increase awareness of the natural and beneficial functions of coastal wetlands. Increase awareness of the natural and beneficial functions of coastal wetlands.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Coastal Wetlands Initiative EPA conducted reviews with local stakeholders in coastal watersheds along Gulf and Atlantic coasts. EPA conducted reviews with local stakeholders in coastal watersheds along Gulf and Atlantic coasts. Findings indicate that hydrologic modifications such as dams, levees, and ditching are common causes of wetland losses. Findings indicate that hydrologic modifications such as dams, levees, and ditching are common causes of wetland losses.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability National Ocean Council National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan “Reduce coastal wetland loss and improve understanding of coastal wetland status and trends.” “Reduce coastal wetland loss and improve understanding of coastal wetland status and trends.”

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Healthy Watersheds Initiative Created to maintain the integrity of naturally functioning watersheds. Created to maintain the integrity of naturally functioning watersheds. More efficient to protect waters now than restore degraded systems later. More efficient to protect waters now than restore degraded systems later. “Identifying and Protecting Healthy Watersheds: Concepts, Assessments, and Management Approaches” “Identifying and Protecting Healthy Watersheds: Concepts, Assessments, and Management Approaches” Pilot projects with states. Pilot projects with states.

Economic Benefits of Maintaining Natural Green Infrastructure

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Climate Change Changes in precipitation patterns already increasing flood risks in parts of U.S. Changes in precipitation patterns already increasing flood risks in parts of U.S. Climate Ready Water Utilities Climate Ready Water Utilities Climate Ready Estuaries Climate Ready Estuaries

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Climate Ready Water Utilities (CRWU) Conduct climate change risk (vulnerability) assessments; Conduct climate change risk (vulnerability) assessments; Prepare adaptation implementation plans; Prepare adaptation implementation plans; Plans include options for adapting to changes in extreme weather patterns: Plans include options for adapting to changes in extreme weather patterns: Flooding Flooding SLR SLR Drought Drought Wildfires Wildfires Reduced snowpack Reduced snowpack

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability

The International Code Council International green Construction Code (IgCC) Current standards focus on protecting structures in flood hazard areas, not the floodplain environment. Current standards focus on protecting structures in flood hazard areas, not the floodplain environment. EPA’s OSC and OWOW working to broaden provisions to include protection of the natural functions of floodplains. EPA’s OSC and OWOW working to broaden provisions to include protection of the natural functions of floodplains.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability International green Construction Code (IgCC) Possible recommendations include no increase in runoff or velocity from the site, and/or a “no rise” in BFE. Possible recommendations include no increase in runoff or velocity from the site, and/or a “no rise” in BFE. Consistent with NAI. Consistent with NAI.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability EPA/FEMA MOA EPA’s Office of Sustainable Communities and FEMA’s Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Programs EPA’s Office of Sustainable Communities and FEMA’s Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Programs Purpose is to incorporate sustainability and smart growth practices into hazard mitigation planning and disaster recovery. Purpose is to incorporate sustainability and smart growth practices into hazard mitigation planning and disaster recovery. Shared interest includes “resilience” and concerns about the impacts of climate change. Shared interest includes “resilience” and concerns about the impacts of climate change.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Ecosystem Valuation Protecting and restoring the natural resources and functions of floodplains provide numerous benefits: reduce flood losses, improve water quality, provide habitats, contribute to community sustainability, etc. Protecting and restoring the natural resources and functions of floodplains provide numerous benefits: reduce flood losses, improve water quality, provide habitats, contribute to community sustainability, etc. Challenge is to quantify these benefits. Challenge is to quantify these benefits.

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Ecosystem Valuation “...floodplains were the second ranked ecosystem type, behind only estuaries, in terms of their per-hectare value to society. Despite representing <2% of Earth's terrestrial land surface area, floodplains provide approximately 25% of all terrestrial ecosystem service benefits." Opperman, Jeffrey, Luster, Ryan, Ecologically Functional Floodplains: Connectivity, Flow Regime, and Scale. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 46(2):

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Ecosystem Valuation EPA Office of Research and Development Safe and Healthy Communities Research Program Safe and Healthy Communities Research Program “Quantifying the Production and Valuation of Ecosystem Goods and Services for Sustainable Communities” “Quantifying the Production and Valuation of Ecosystem Goods and Services for Sustainable Communities”

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability In conclusion… Naturally functioning floodplains provide numerous economic and environmental benefits and contribute to community sustainability. Naturally functioning floodplains provide numerous economic and environmental benefits and contribute to community sustainability. “Green infrastructure” can reduce flood losses at less cost and provide multiple benefits “Green infrastructure” can reduce flood losses at less cost and provide multiple benefits Wetlands are critical natural resources, coastal wetlands need more protection/restoration. Wetlands are critical natural resources, coastal wetlands need more protection/restoration. Water is our most precious resource, we all benefit from innovative approaches to flood risk management. Water is our most precious resource, we all benefit from innovative approaches to flood risk management.

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Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Questions? John McShane Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability Questions? John McShane

Role of Natural and Beneficial Functions in Community Sustainability “A naturally functioning floodplain, or restoring a floodplain to a nearly natural state, provides numerous environmental, economic, and societal benefits.” A Unified National Program for Floodplain Management, 1994