Hillsborough County Property Goffstown, NH Wetland Inventory Fall 2007
Project Goals To identify and delineate all jurisdictional wetlands within the project boundaries; Record descriptive information on the identified wetland areas; –Type of Wetland –Dominant soil drainage class Summarize data and produce a map
Project Boundaries
Wetland Delineation Standards US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1 Three criteria for Vegetated Wetlands: –Wetland Vegetation –Hydric Soil –Wetland Hydrology Waterways –Defined Channel –Perennial or Intermittent
Wetland Delineation Process 1.Wetland areas identified and delineated Wetlands marked with pink “WETLAND DELINEATION” flagging Descriptive information recorded Global Positioning Equipment (GPS) helped identify project boundaries 2.Located every flag with GPS equipment 3.Map production/Data Summary
Statistics 1,701 flags were placed in the field Representing 48 wetland areas Total of approximately 34 acres Largest areas within parcel 6-33
Lot 5-41
Lot 6-33 (north & south)
Lot 6-39