Coastal Atlas Interoperability - Ontologies (continued) Luis Bermudez Stephanie Watson Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative 1
2 Welcome back Recap Define an ontology Play with concepts Details on components of ontologies 2
Ontologies.. good for expressing formally controlled vocabularies mappings categories knowledge of a domain formal machine friendly how ? RDF Web Resources
Ontologies basic definition capturing the knowledge of a domain, including simple controlled vocabularies expressing hierarchies of concepts interrelating vocabularies via formal mappings formal mechanism for:
5 Components of an Ontology Classes Individuals Properties But first... what is a concept ?
What is a Concept ? Graph of Concepts Explicit representation of realities: Body of Water Feature LAK E hasShape
Concept Maps
Warming up Graph of Concepts 38
Concept Maps (10 min) Open CMAP tools Create a concept map about what you would expect to find on a Recreational Atlas Web site
Concept Maps (5 min) In the middle of the exercise - ask about the treatment of nouns and verbs
Classes Classes define concepts in a domain –Nouns, boxes in previous exercise Classes are organized in hierarchies: –Example: Habitat is super class of Wetland Classes are sets that contain individuals 42
12 Individuals Individuals represent real objects in the domain in which we are interested. They are the members of a class Elkhorn Slough NERRMalheur National Wildlife Refuge Wetland
Ontology Example hasName: Elkhorn Slough isLocatedIn hasName: Monterey Area_in_skm: xxx Wetland City GeographicFeature Class Datatype Property Individual Object Property
Classes - subclasses Wetland City Geographic Feature
Individuals Wetland City GeographicFeature Class Individual
Properties Properties are relationships (loosely, verbs) between two individuals. –lines in previous exercise 2 types: –Object Properties link an individual to an individual –Datatype properties link an individual to a Literal (String, integer, etc..). Defined as XML Schema datatypes. 45
Object Properties isLocatedIn Wetland City GeographicFeature Class Individual Object Property Domain of isLocatedInRange of isLocatedIn
Domain and Range isLocatedIn Wetland City Class Wetland is Domain of isLocatedIn Class City is Range of isLocatedIn Object Properties have classes as domains Object Properties have classes as ranges... connect objects, which are instances of a class
Datatype Properties hasName: Elkhorn Slough isLocatedIn hasName: Monterey Area_in_skm: 70 Wetland City GeographicFeature Class Datatype Property Individual Object Property Domain is a classRange is a simple type : String, float, etc...
Ontology Example hasName: Elkhorn Slough isLocatedIn hasName: Monterey Area_in_skm: 70 Wetland City GeographicFeature Class Datatype Property Individual Object Property
Viewing a Simple Ontology View an example ontology containing the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge 69
Open Ontology and Explore Classes View Classes tab –Note icons on upper right create subclass create sibling class delete class menu triangle with different options including viewing the hierarchy as starting with class “thing”. This latter menu option is important, since this is not the default of TopBraid, but is a very useful way to view a class hierarchy.
Explore Classes Double click on class “Wetland” (subclass of “GeographicFeature”) in wetlands.owl –view class form, note annotations and axioms; can drag and drop annotation properties onto the form –can create subclasses by clicking on the name of the (super) class in the view class diagram –see other classes and their relationships to (properties) this class –view class diagram –view instances tab, see list of instances of this class –view import tab (this is where the namespaces of imported ontologies would appear) –view domain tab –view SPARQL tab Queries on your class(es)
Create Your Own Classes
Explore Individuals View instances tab Note the icons in the upper right. You can create (choosing the class to which it will belong, first) or delete an instance, or use the instance menu to accomplish such tasks as exporting the instances to a spreadsheet. Double click on the instance “ElkhornSloughNERR” View the resource form (just above the instances tab). Note the name of the instance annotations, properties (especially note that the property list for the instance will include any properties identified for the class of which that instance is a member)
Create Individuals
Properties Properties are relationships (loosely, verbs) between two individuals. –lines in previous exercise 2 types: –Object Properties link an individual to an individual –Datatype properties link an individual to a Literal (String, integer, etc..). Defined as XML Schema datatypes. 45
Explore Properties Double click on the property “hasActivity” –View properties tab (on right) Note icons for creating property, deleting property, menu triangle for creating specific types of properties (object, data type and annotation properties). –View properties form Note that each property has a name, may have annotations, and may have axioms (e.g., domain, range) –think of domain as the class that has this property (e.g., “Wetland”) and range as the valid “value” for the property (e.g., “Activity”) Note that each property can also be a(n): –Subproperty of (properties can be hierarchical) –Inverse of –at the bottom, you should also see what type of property it is (object, datatype)
Explore Properties View properties form (continued) Note menus on top right on the property form, that can: –add widget for property –show widgets for all properties with matching domains, –arrange widgets in 2 columns –also, an inverted triangle menu with lots of options »E.g., will find the property name on Google, Wikipedia »E.g., will find all the usages of the property in your workspace, etc.)
Create Properties
Exercise 70
Hands on exercise TBC 69
34 Exploring TBC (1:40 - 2:30) Follow the guide: TBC Getting-Started-Guide Let’s all create a simple ontology... follow the screen instructions
Atlas Interoperability Exercise For any interoperability endeavor the first thing that should happen is getting the requirements right ! Use Cases
36 Atlas Interoperability
Use Case and Proposed User Interface The topics found are the ones that will be explicitly created as well as inferred ones based on logic.
38 Atlas OntWeb
Note... Q: Where are the data coming from ? A: Distributed sources, which are simulated by each ontology you are creating. Very different from traditional databases.
Process 1. Create person-topic ontology (- 3:30) 2. Break (3:30 - 3:45) 3. Map with Upper Level person-topic ontology (- 4:30) 4. Publish to SVN 5. View web application - use case 1 completed ! 6. Discussion (-5:00) 7. Map topics with Atlas Topics 8. Publish mappings
Create a simple ontology that captures topics of interest of persons Use concepts from the CMAP exercise, if possible Create at least: –3 Classes (on any level) –1 Object Property - define domain and range –2 Datatypes Properties - define domain and range –2 Individuals for class Person, and 4 for each of the other classes you create –Add properties and values to individuals. e.g. luis hasInterest YOGA For example, include as topics recreational concepts that you would expect to find on an atlas Have fun If problems occur, use help system or TBC tutorial. If more problems occur, raise your hand 75
Make your person-topic ontology (XYZ) interoperable with the FOAF ontology 75
43 Interoperability
We will make your person-topic ontology (XYZ) interoperable with the FOAF ontology 75 aX.owl your ontology
45 Experts are now “Atlases” Which two groups created more topics than anybody else ? They will become atlases. They will map their classes and properties to a a super atlas ontology. Change the class name “person” to “atlas” to avoid confusion. Import superatlas.owl (an upper atlas ontology) Make your classes subclasses of Atlas, and Feature. Make one of your properties a subclass of hasFeature. Follow similar instructions as the other groups to make your ontology aligned with superatlas.owl.
Map with Person Upper Level Ontology (foaf.owl) 75 Import upper person ontology foaf.owl
75 Map with person upper ontology Make your classes as subclasses of a FOAF class. For example if you have a class Person, make it subclass of foaf:Person
75 Make one of your properties sub-properties of foaf:topic_of_interest
75 Commit to SVN
75 Check the web - is your filename there ? URL is:
51 Discussion 75 Did you need to do any changes to your ontology ? We are presenting values of instances in the web interface, but this is not always the case.
52 Discussion 75 You are a FOAF person because you created a statement that said that: –You foaf:topic_of_interest Topic AND –foaf:topic_of_interest has domain foaf:person Test it ! Make your person class not a subclass of foaf:Person Run the inference engine
End Day 1 76