Humboldt State University Environmental Resources Engineering A Commitment to YOUR Future
What is Environmental Resources Engineering? A diverse, interdisciplinary, applied, environmentally-focused engineering field
What is Environmental Resources Engineering? Become an Expert in: Water Quality –Water and Wastewater Treatment –Treatment Wetland Design –Contaminant Fate and Transport –Water Chemistry Water Resources –River Restoration and Channel Design –Fish Passage –Groundwater Remediation –Water Resources Planning and Management –Groundwater Development (Yes, this is a BAD culvert!)
What is Environmental Resources Engineering? Become an Expert in: Energy Resources –Renewable Energy –Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology –Building Energy Analysis –Advanced Thermodynamics Geoenvironmental Engineering –Landfill Design –Hazardous Waste Remediation –Soil Chemistry Indoor Air Quality –Building Disinfection –Surface Chemistry
What is Environmental Resources Engineering? What Do You Want To Do? Environmental Resources Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Water Quality Mechanical Systems Water Resources Mechanical Design Energy ResourcesStructuresEnergy Systems Geoenvironmental Engr.Geotechnical Engr.Materials Science Indoor Air QualityTransportationAutomotive/Aerospace
Why should I go to Humboldt State? An experience like none other
Why should I go to Humboldt State? A Commitment to You Student/faculty ratio of 20:1 33% female faculty ABET accredited Emphasis on active learning –Hands-on labs –Field trips –Team projects
Why should I go to Humboldt State? A Place to Grow Service Learning -Sponsoring tutoring -Outreach to future engineers -Social events Learning from Peers –Hydrogen design team national grand prize winner –National champion math modeling teams
Why should I go to Humboldt State? A Place to Discover Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary –Wastewater treatment wetlands –Enhancement wetlands Schatz Energy Research Center –Fuel cell research –Renewable energy technologies Campus Center for Appropriate Technology –Student run –Appropriate technology education center
Why should I go to Humboldt State? A Place Like No Other
How Should I Prepare? Writing, Math, Biology, Chemistry
How Should I Prepare? Commit to your Future Get Involved –Clubs –Community service High School –Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus –Chemistry, Biology, Physics –Writing, Communication –Computer Skills Community College –Calculus –Chemistry, Biology –Writing, Communication –Computer Skills –Check Assist (
How Much Will it Cost? Your Future’s Value
How much will it cost? An Investment in your Future California Residents Western States Other States Fees$3,167$4,750~$8,300 1 Books$1,100 Housing 2 $8,000 1 In-state fees plus $339/Unit 2 On-campus or off-campus
What Jobs can I get? Your Future
What Jobs can I Get? Your Future Lauri Kemper, P.E. –BS, ERE Humboldt State 1984 –Supervising Water Resource Control Engineer –California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region Manages division of –Engineers –Scientists –Geologists Responsible for –Permitting –Enforcement –Basin Planning –Special Investigations –Interagency Coordination Regulates –Storm Water –Wastewater –Wetland Impacts –Timber Harvests –Grazing
What Jobs can I Get? Your Future Robert G. Aaserude, P.E. –BS, ERE, Humboldt State 1979 –BS, Fisheries, Humboldt State 1979 –MS, Civil Engineering, Washington, 1984 –West Regional Director and Vice President –MWH Americas, Inc. Regional Director –MWH’s Natural Resources, Industry, and Infrastructure operational unit Responsible for –Performing Technical Analyses –Project Management –Staff Management –Developing Business –Preparing and Executing Business Plans Division Focus –Mine Restoration –Reclamation –Dams –Hydropower –Environmental Services
What Jobs can I Get? Your Future Gina Giacone, E.I.T. –BS, ERE Humboldt State 2003 –Staff Engineer –Summit Engineering, Inc. Staff Engineer works with –Civil Engineers –Mechanical Engineers –Electrical Engineers –Architects Responsible for Wastewater Treatment –Evaluation –Testing –Design –Project Management –Construction Wastewater Treatment Projects –Wetlands –Aerated Facultative Ponds –Sequencing Batch Reactor Systems –Mound Systems –Subsurface Leachfields
What Jobs can I Get? Your Future Water reuse system design Wetland treatment systems Watershed restoration Water and wastewater treatment systems Water quality analysis Control of saltwater intrusion Optimization water resources Storm water management Modeling glacier meltwater Solar hydrogen design Fuel cell design Analyzing building energy systems Renewable energy policy and program design Soil remediation Brownfield restoration