Case study in the ToolBox Dana Thalmeinerova, GWP
Aim of case study to supplement “theory” of tool with “practice” to illustrate how tools can be used in a given combination and context of tools to present knowledge of IWRM as an approach to sustainable water resource management to share experience to gather a database of IWRM examples
What is a Tool Box Case? An examination of real events and experiences; An analytical and critical account on the implementation of IWRM; An aim to extract and share the lessons learned.
How do cases fit in? Full case study (8 pages) One page abstracts Quality Assurance ! Tool Supported by Cases
5 Case study
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Why do we want to show a case study? Case study –offers a critical examination of real events –provides information about how different policy tools can be used for IWRM –helps people to learn from experience in the implementation of more sustainable water strategies and policies –provides a valuable dissemination mechanism for improving understanding of IWRM.
Typical format of case study 1.Problem(s) to be addressed 2.Actions taken 3.Outcomes (expected&unexpected, impact of action, resources needed, sustainability of outcomes) 4.Lessons learned (what is useful for others) 5.Links and other supporting information
Criteria for the case study Cases are not limited to “good” stories – “bad” stories are also “welcome” Cases should –illustrate the application of tools shown in the TB –have overall relevance to IWRM – with lessons about how an IWRM approach supports water management across sectors –Reflect both pros and cons –Reflect issues of main concern to the water community –Have a broad relevance and therefore potential for wide dissemination
Criteria for the case study Case studies should be both objective and verifiable Case studies must be –informative, –add value, –increase understanding, and –be practical.
What is not a case study Something what did not happen in a reality “Theoretical” issues Guidelines or recommendations how and what should be done Something what did not bring the results (good or bad)
Helpful questions for the case What were the objectives of the action you describe? Who was involved in defining the objectives? What was the succession of decisions during project implementation? How were the actions selected, information and methods used? What were the problems encountered during the implementation phase? How were they overcome? What resources (including funds) were available, and from where?
Do not forget on tangible outcomes The full case study should describe what happened as a result of the actions taken (outcome) What were the results obtained: quantitative and qualitative results (such as; improvement of water ecosystems, water quality and peoples health; financial sustainability of the water infrastructure and delivery systems; or social improvements?
Some topics for a case Share experience from the process of revision of legislation towards IWRM Describe efforts in institutional reform of RBO Illustrate cooperation mechanisms between urban planning and water resources planning processes Share knowledge on designation of wetland protection areas Give example on design of pollution charges and their consequences to water savings of industries