Wetland Project Rijalda Porcic Cobie Graham Megan Jay
Goal Mapping of specific areas of study in the manmade wetland Identifying organisms found in randomly placed quadrats
Materials Perimeter flags Piped quadrant Marker pipes Sharpie Random numbers chart Hammer Map of wetland Camera Measuring tape & Boots! (:
Procedure Mapping of perimeters Random placement of perimeter flags into two areas; outer land and inner water Use of PVC quadrat to orient markers Numbering and hammering of markers Creating map of markers Record percentage cover of plants present within each quadrat
Results We found that, in both the dry and wet areas, the plants that were most common were: Bacopa caroliniana Distichlis spicata Eleocharis geniculata Also, in more than six of our eleven quadrants, the most abundant species were: Bacopa caroliniana Eleocharis geniculata Cyperus spp.
Results: Common species PerimeterBasinPerimeterBasin SpeciesMean % cover class % frequence of occurrence % frequence of occurenece Cyperus odoratus Eleocharis geniculata Cyperus surinamensis Distichlis spicata Bacopa caroliniana % cover class: 1 0-1% 2 1-5% % % % %
Bacopa caroliniana Distichlis spicata Eleocharis geniculata Common to the wetland
Common sedges Cyperus odoratus Cyperus surinamensis
The End