Wetland & Riparian Restoration In the Swan Valley Swan Ecosystem Center
Over 4,000 wetlands identified in wetland inventory— USFWS assessment
Watershed Restoration Plan Swan Lands Coordinating Committee Forests Wetlands Native Fish Water Conservation Wildlife Participants: Citizens, agencies, nonprofits with a role in the watershed.
Water Quality Committee Montana DEQ 319 Water Quality Grants enable road restoration on public lands. Water Quality Committee Activities: BMPs in Cold, Elk, Herrick Run & Beaver Cr. watersheds— lake & stream monitoring—forest road assessments. Chilly James forest road maintenance & closure project. 319 & SWCC funding.
Wetlands Committee Functions through Partnerships. Formed in Purpose: To identify, assess, prioritize and conserve wetlands for the benefit of people, fish, wildlife and native plants.
Wetlands Coordinator Funded through USFWS programs
Wetland Restoration
Collaborative Efforts Swan Lands Coordinating Committee Encompasses the Swan watershed. Southwest Crown Collaborative Funded by federal Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP). Includes the Swan, Clearwater and Blackfoot watersheds. Involves Flathead, Lolo and Helena National forests. Swan, Seeley and Lincoln Districts. Participants: federal and state agencies, Missoula County timber industry, nonprofits, citizens. Federal funding for 10 years, $40 million. For projects on national forest land.
SWCC Projects
Participants Blackfoot Challenge, Clearwater Resources Council, Flathead National Forest, Friends of the Wild Swan, Helena National Forest, Lake County, Lolo National Forest, Missoula County, Montana DEQ, Montana DNRC, Montana FWP, Montana Land Reliance, Montana Wilderness Association, Northwest Connections, Pyramid Mountain Lumber, Swan Ecosystem Center, Swan Lakers, Swan Valley residents, Swan View Coalition, University of Montana, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Vital Ground Foundation....