April 2012
Side-by-side comparison of definitions: Justin Russell, OSU (HANDOUT)
Section 404 regulates the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States. Fill: total of deposits by artificial means (term used by the State and the Corps) Removal: taking of material from the bed and banks of waters of this state (term used by the State) Dredge: remove by artificial means (used by the Corps)
How many permits take over 120 days to process? Individual Permits between January 11, 2010 and December 29, 2011: Number Percent of Total Individual Permits Total Individual Permits388 Total Extended Permits6216% NumberPercent of Extended Permits Total Extended Permits62 Extension requested by applicant or consultant5080% Authorized4064% Still on Extension1931%
More details regarding options: Why should DSL continue to regulate: ◦ More accountable to State government ◦ Better State agency coordination ◦ Better coordination with State economic recovery goals/objectives ◦ Resource Protection
Resource Protection: WETLAND PLANNING TOOLS Local Wetland Inventories ◦ LWIs are conducted by wetland consultants for local governments completing wetlands planning under Statewide Goal 5 (Natural Resources) or 17 (Coastal Shorelands) There are 85 approved Local Wetland Inventory maps There are 10 pending Local Wetland Inventory maps
Resource Protection: WETLAND PLANNING TOOLS Wetland Land Use Notices ◦ Total # Notices Completed Per Fiscal Year Total Total # Completed
Resource Protection: WETLAND PLANNING TOOLS ◦ Wetland Delineations Completed Per Calendar Year ◦ Wetland Determinations Completed Per Calendar Year Total # of wetland delineation reports reviewed by DSL staff Total # completed for Total # of wetland determinations done by DSL staff Total # completed for
Resource Protection: WETLAND PLANNING TOOLS ◦ Wetland Functional Assessment Tools Developed by DSL: Oregon Freshwater Wetland Assessment Method Hydrogeomorphic Guidebook: Statewide Classification & Profiles Willamette Valley Ecoregion HGM Tidal HGM Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol ◦ Publications with Partners: Wetland Land Use Change in the Willamette Valley, Oregon: Wetland Regulatory Compliance in the Willamette Valley, Oregon: 1982 to 1994 The Wetland and Land Use Change in the Willamette Valley, Oregon:
Resource protection: ENFORCEMENTS Cases Opened between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2011 Number Percent of Total Cases Opened Number of cases opened820 Confirmed violations36144% Cases still under investigation344%
Resource protection: ENFORCEMENTS Types of violations between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2011 Number Percent of Total Violations Total violations361 Permit-related violations7922% Mitigation related5916% General permit conditions206% Unauthorized Activities28178% Wetland11240% Non-wetland waters12544% Tidal waters*197% Wetland, non-wetland and tidal258% Non-Compliance with an enforcement order1<1%
Resource Protection: JURISDICTION OF ISOLATED WATERS ◦ Isolated wetlands include closed systems found in Eastern Oregon. Examples: Summer Lake Alvord Lake Wetlands surrounding Whitehorse Creek
How will State water quality standards be assured under a state assumed program? ◦ State water quality standards must be met as part of an assumed program. We will begin discussions with DEQ to determine this process. Implication to assumption scenarios and permitting timelines if the removal-fill program were moved to DEQ: