Regional Industrial Wetlands / Wetlands Mitigation Solutions
Overview of key findings... What is a “wetland”? How do wetlands impact industrial development? How will we move forward?
What is a “wetland”? May not always be wet – Seasonal Altered (farmed, tiled, channeled) Inundated or saturated with ground or surface water to support hydrophytes (aquatic plants)
What is a “wetland”? Is this Tangent site likely to be a wetland? What about this Corvallis site?
What is a “wetland”? Serve important functions – Storm water retention Ground water recharge Filter contaminates Wildlife & plant habitat Recreation Aesthetics
How do wetlands impact sites? Almost all industrial sites have areas of known or suspected wetlands Few 10+ acre sites could be developed without impacting likely wetlands area...
How do wetlands impact sites? Lebanon Rodeo Industrial Park Total Area of Sites: Acres Delineated Wetlands: 73.1 Acres
How do wetlands impact sites? South Albany Industrial Park Total Area of Sites: Acres Delineated Wetlands: Acres
What are the issues? Phase I findings – Uncertainty & time to address wetlands permit requirements are impediments to siting industry Cost to meet regulations is a lesser factor for larger build-to-suit development
What are the issues? Development impacting wetlands must be approved Development must - #1 - Avoid wetlands area #2 - Minimize impact to wetlands #3 - Compensate for impact - Restore / create new wetlands Same / more wetlands area Same / enhanced functions & values
What are the issues? 2 separate approvals - Oregon Dept. of State Lands US Army Corps of Engineers Review requires real development plan Review > possible permit can take 1 year Requires recent delineation Must prove non-wetlands sites aren’t viable
Track 1: Streamlined permitting Top State priority Regulators support Regional General Permit Seeking 70%+ certainty... Current delineation required Development plan review required Efficiency in multi-site review Regional “Alternatives Analysis” On-site analysis of conditions Funding to Develop RGP proposal for ~20 prime sites Package State “Decision-Ready” documentation How will we move forward?
Regional Industrial Lands Preparedness - Wetlands Mitigation Solutions Coordinated by – Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments In cooperation with – City of Adair VillageCity of Lebanon City of AlbanyCity of Millersburg City of CorvallisCity of Tangent State of Oregon With funding provided by – OCWCOG State of Oregon BL3 Regional Investment Board PacifiCorp