Corals as paleoclimatic archives Jens Zinke PROPER June 2004, VU Amsterdam
Coral study sites
Massive coral Porites sp.
Coral drilling
Coral core recovery 60cm
Emerged fossil coral Porites
Fossil corals: storm deposits
Environmental tracers in corals Oxygen isotopes: - Sea surface temperature - Seawater isotopic composition Carbon isotopes: - cloud cover Sr/Ca, U/Ca, Li/Ca (?): -Sea surface temperature U/Ca, Mg/Ca: -Salinity U/Th dating of fossil corals Combined Sr/Ca and d 18 O: - Hydrologic balance 14 C, Pb-isotopes: - Ocean circulation - Atmospheric circulation - Upwelling Ba/Ca, Cd/Ca: -Terrestrial river runoff - upwelling Rare Earth Elements (REE): - biological activity in seawater
Techniques for isotope and trace element ratios: - Oxygen and carbon isotopes on Mass Spectrometer - Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca on ICP-OES - U/Ca, Li/Ca, Sr/Ca, Mn/Ca, Ba/Ca on ICP-MS and Laser Ablation ICP-MS - Sr/Ca, U/Ca, U/Th on TIMS - Rare Earth Elements with Laser Ablation ICP-MS - Element mapping and ultra-high-resolution with SIMS and PIXE
Exoskeleton (Aragonite crystals) Extracellular calcifying fluid Basal ectoderm of coral polyp with symbionts from seawater
Growth rate effects slow growth rates (below 3mm/year) = heavy isotopes McConnaughey, 2003, Coral Reefs 22
Isotopic fractionation Kinetic fractionation Non-photosynthetic photosynthetic McConnaughey, 2003, Coral Reefs 22
Density banding: first age model High density = winter Low density = summer Major growth axis mm
Age model and data interpolation X-ray with density banding
Madagascar coral record Zinke et al. 2003, Springer
Calibration vs.instrumental data: Linear Regression Inverse relationship to temperature in isotopes and Sr/Ca ratios !
Reconstruction of SST: Core top calibration
Calibration/Validation of proxy data: annual means
Combined use of 18 O and Sr/Ca: Hydrologic balance Method in Ren et al., 2002 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (9)
Hendy et al., 2002, Science 295
Time series analysis and advanced statistics
Advanced Statistics: Cross spectral analysis Zinke et al. 2003
ENSO Teleconnections
ENSO phenomenon
Webster et al., 1999
SST / WindPrecip.Evap. Summer monsoon (July) Winter monsoon (January)January July Coral sites superimposed on SST and monsoonal winds
Coral records from the Indo-Pacific
Western Indian Ocean coral time series Pfeiffer, 2002; Pfeiffer et al., 2004, Quaternary Research; Zinke et al. (subm)
Tarawa coral record, Cole et al., 1993, Science 260
Changing El Nino frequency derived from a coral 18 O record at Kiribati Island (1°N) located within the Nino3 region in the Pacific
Spatial correlation maps coral vs. Global SST: Indian Ocean - ENSO teleconnection: 1970‘s shift? before 1970 after 1970
U/Th dating of fossil reef cores (corals) for exact timing of sea level changes
Future needs: - proxies for environmental changes in coastal waters - process studies of incorporation of proxies into skeleton - multiple core replication of single core results - use of more statistical methods to unravel climate information - net work of coral records for each ocean basin for large scale climate reconstruction - collaboration with climate modeling community to test future scenarios