Reefs Kinds of buildups Geographic distribution Reef requirements Community: diversity, environmental mediators, species of great affect The Sensitive Reef Reefs and Geologic Time
Reef requirements: 1. Coral reefs are rigid structures above the sea floor. Keep up with sea level or drown 2. Biologically mediated 3. Structure and environemtn
Reef requirements: 1. 3-D topography 2. Biological Origins and Mediation Created by organisms Organisms baffle, bind, accrete modify environment 3. Structure and Environment
Reef requirements: 1. 3-D topography 2. Biologically mediated 3. A complex ecological and physical structure that exerts control on the environmet
Types of Reefs: Fringe Edge of landmass Continents, islands High energy from waves Small lagoon, if any
Types of Reefs: Barrier “Mature” fringe reef without landmass Kept up with sea level rise appears far away from shore Large, ecologically rich lagoon between reef and land
Also formed from fringe reefs Ring structure from sunken island (subsidence or sea level rise) Reef with internal lagoon, no land mass Types of Reefs: Atoll
Types of Reefs: Patch Often in lagoon behind barrier, atoll Low energy environment Differentiated from surrounding biota by: 3-D topography Biological mediation Structure and environment
Types of Reefs: Manmade Accidental… (industry, pollutants, wrecks) …Or intentional
Tropical Reefs around the World
Biodiversity in Tropical Reefs
High light intensity: very low turbidity zooxanthellae in symbiosis with corals Warm T: between 20-30C Constant salinity Nutrients: upwelling, other input BUT: nutrient poor waters in reef Very tightly recycled Constant currents Tropical reef requirements
Communities 1 Very diverse, highest diversity community in the world Climax community High degree of niche specialization Resources very finely partitioned
Bafflers: corals, sponges Guilds that Mediate Environment
Bafflers: corals, sponges Binders: microbes, coralline algae, bryozoans Guilds that Mediate Environment
Bafflers: corals, sponges Binders: microbes, coralline algae, bryozoans Builders: corals Guilds that Mediate Environment
Bafflers: corals, sponges Binders: microbes, coralline algae, bryozoans Builders: corals Eroders: parrot fish, echinoids Guilds that Mediate Environment
Communities 2 Recruitment between reefs and within a reef Indo-Pacific reefs: highest diversity “Oldest” reef? Leftover from Tethys?
The Fragile Reef Reefs in very fragile balance Algae overgrowth and echinoids, other grazers Specialists: higher extinction possibility Interactions fairly tight Species of great effect, keystone species Physical factors: Sea-level rise T and global warming Nutrient input and algal blooms Saharan dust and fungus
Earliest buildups: Precambrian stromatolites Early Cambrian: Archaeocyathid reefs: 500MY Devonian: Tabulate, rugosa coral reefs Permian: Capitan sponge reef in TX Cretaceous: Various Cenozoic: coral reefs Geologic History of Reefs