He went snorkeling on the ______ reef. a) currentcurrentb) coralcoral c) eventually eventually d) reef reef
That is Correct What a Catch coral – adjective – made of coral, a hard substance like stone made up of the skeletons of tiny animals
Sorry, that was a fishy answer. Go Fish
We ______ got a DVD player because all the good movies were not being shown on television. a) coral coralb) reefreefc) eventuallyeventuallyd) brittlebrittle
That is Correct What a Catch eventually – adverb – in the end, finally
Boaters have to be careful not to scrape against the _____ below. a) reef reefb) brittlebrittle c) partnership partnershipd) suburbssuburbs
That is Correct What a Catch reef -noun – a ridge of sand, rock, or coral at or near the surface of the ocean
Susan’s fingernails became _______ and started to break. a) brittle brittle b) partnership partnership c) suburbs suburbsd) currentcurrent
That is Correct What a Catch brittle – adjective – likely to break or snap
Janell, Pat and Erik formed a gardening ________. a) eventually eventuallyb) reef reefc) brittlebrittle d) partnership partnership
That is Correct What a Catch partnership – noun – a kind of business in which two or more people share the work and profits
Many people commute from the _____ to go to work in the city. a) partnership partnership b) suburbs suburbs c) current current d) current current
That is Correct What a Catch suburbs – plural noun - the areas around the city where people live
The lifeguard blew his whistle when he noticed that the ______ was taking the boys out too far. a) suburbs suburbs b) current current c) coral coral d) eventually eventually
That is Correct What a Catch current - noun – a portion of a body of water or of air flowing continuously in definite direction
Susan Ging Lent Production