Katie Webster
Phylum Cnidaria Colonial growth Foundation species
Commercial Conservation Research
Sold as ornamental organisms for aquariums Prices vary based upon coral species, color pattern, and colony size ◦ More colorful is more expensive Corals are cultured and sold around the world ◦ US is main purchaser High shipping costs
Zooxanthellae symbiosis Calcium carbonate skeleton Reef builders
Flexible Lacy appearance Proteinaceous skeletons
Stony corals – Order Scleractinia ◦ Family Acroporidae -SPS Montipora spp. ◦ Family Dendrophylliidae - LPS Turbinaria peltata Dendrophyllia fistula Soft corals – Order Alcyonacea ◦ Family Alcyoniidae Sarcophyton spp. Sinularia spp.
Montipora spp. Purple Montipora capricornis Supernatural Montipora capricornis
Turbinaria peltata Green Pagoda Coral Dendrophyllia fistula Red Sun Coral
Sarcophyton spp. Green Toadstool Leather Long Polyping Leather
Sinularia spp. Blue Devils Finger Leather Yellow Fiji Finger Leather
AsexualSexual Budding ◦ Colonial growth Fragmentation ◦ Colony physically broken into separate sections Spawning ◦ Free swimming larvae ◦ Adult sessile polyps ◦ Hermaphroditic and non-hermaphroditic types
Asexual growth “fragging” Development from zygotes ◦ “spat stocking”
Indoor tanks – Intensive ◦ RAS filtration system ◦ Zooxanthellae very sensitive Floating nurseries – Extensive to Semi-intensive ◦ Shallow water ◦ Reef building
Tropical waters ◦ Bright light ◦ Temperature: 78°F to 84°F ◦ Salinity : s.g. ◦ Calcium: 390 to 450 ppm ◦ pH: 7.9 to 8.3 ◦ Alkalinity: 140 to 180 ppm
Zooxanthellae provide energy Dissolved organic matter Plankton and small organisms
Fast growing Minimum feeding Easy to aquaculture Conservation efforts
Harmful to humans Expensive Predation and disease