1. List three things that created tension between the Allied powers and Japan. 2. Who was Hideki Tojo? 3. By 1941, which areas in Asia were under Japanese control? 4. THINKER: With no allies left, why do you think Japan continued to fight? BELLWORK
This week in history….. Tuesday/Wednesday: Extra Credit assignment due Tuesday/Wednesday: Atomic bomb debate Thursday: WWII short answer test Thursday: WWII Jeopardy Review Friday: Study Guide due Friday: All late work due Friday: Unit 6 test: WWII Friday: Mid-quarter grades due
One last Holocaust note….. Allies start to liberate concentration camps in early For fear of persecution, Nazis began destroying evidence, records, camps Nuremburg Trials: Nazi officials are tried for war crimes: against humanity and civilians. 24 tried – 12 executed
War in the Pacific Japan forced soldiers from Korea, Thailand, Burma & India to fight for their army. By 1945, several countries were aiding US efforts in the Pacific: Canada, Australia, China, Philippines, New Zealand and the Netherlands (b/c of Dutch East Indies) Between 1942 and 1945, the Pacific War was fought in four main areas: China, Central Pacific, SE Asia & SW Pacific SU declares war on Japan in August 1945, and fights mostly inland battles in China against Japan Led by General Douglas MacArthur
Japanese Offensive: Japan attacks American and British military bases across the Western Pacific. Rapid conquests of Hong Kong, Burma, New Guinea, India Strong Japanese Navy sinks British aircraft carriers Navy used kamikazes, or suicide planes
Japanese battleships Yamashiro, Fuso and Haruna
Bombing of Darwin, Australia; 1942
Prince of Wales (left, front) and Repulse (left, behind) under Japanese air attack on 10 December 1941 by a Japanese destroyer
Australian POW’s; Total captured – 22,000
By mid-1942 it became difficult for Japanese to maintain control of vast empire. Codebreakers discovered several planned attacks American forces began island hopping: a military strategy of attacking specific enemy- held islands. Battle of the Coral Sea: (5/4/1942) mutual bombing of navies Battle of Midway: (6/4/1942) U.S. wins its first Pacific battle by fighting entirely from the air and destroying the Japanese navy. War in the Pacific: Turning Points
US Aircraft Carrier, Lexington, under attack at the Battle of the Coral Sea
Battle of Guadalcanal: First Japanese-held territory conquered by the U.S. Battle of Leyte Gulf: Greatest naval battle in history; vital to stop oil production. Battle of Iwo Jima: Japan is outnumbered; clear victory Battle of Okinawa: Last obstacle to an Allied invasion of the Japanese home islands. Began bombing campaign in Tokyo Allied Offensives:
U.S. Marines in Guadalcanal; 1942
Torpedoed Japanese destroyer; Battle of Leyte Gulf
General MacArthur at Leyte Gulf
A 1941 top secret plan to develop the first atomic bomb. Combination of scientists and physicists Albert Einstein Robert Oppenheimer Presidential approval FDR Truman
Atomic bomb test: Los Alamos, New Mexico – July 1945
Truman warned Japanese that if they didn’t surrender, they could expect a “rain of ruin from the air” The second was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945
Ground Temperature 7000F Force Winds 980mph Energy Released 20,000 tons of TNT Buildings Destroyed 62,000 Killed Immediately 80,000 people Dead by end of ,000 people Total Deaths 220,000 people
Japan surrendered to General Douglas MacArthur on September 2, 1945 "Should We continue to fight, it would not only result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization." -Emperor Hirohito
Execution of Hideki Tojo
War in the Pacific Outcomes Allied occupation of Japan Removal of Japanese troops in China Territories are reclaimed: Taiwan, Korea (divided), Pacific Islands Maintained by United Nations SU gets control of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands
Was dropping the Atomic Bomb the right thing to do? You and your partner will be given various primary sources about the atomic bomb and its ethical/moral/strategic repercussions. One will read the pro arguments (FOR the A-bomb) One will read the con arguments (AGAINST the A-bomb) After reading, divide a paper into two columns. One side for pro arguments, and the other side for con arguments. Discuss your readings with your partner and fill in your chart.
After evaluating both sides of the atomic bomb argument: Write a 3-5 sentence personal statement on your opinion of the Atomic bomb’s usage. Be sure to EXPLAIN your argument and back it up with evidence. After everyone is finished, we will discuss as a class.