Pink Dolphins By: Nuri Mirwani
What do they eat?? Pink dolphins eat plenty per day. The types of fish they eat are crustaceans, catfish, and small fresh water fish.
The Height and Weight It measures 2.5 to 3 meters long. Although males are generally larger. Their weight approximates from 85 to 90 kilograms.
What can we do to save the dolphins?? What can you do right now, to help the dolphins? Most of them may seem insignificant, but if enough people do them, the effect can be enormous. Eat less seafood. Use "cleaner" household cleansers. Don't buy shells, coral, or other marine animal products.
Why should we save them?? Now there are fewer animals existing in the earth. Most of them are endangered, pink dolphins are one of them. If we don’t act now they will decrease more and more and eventually end up to nothing.
Why are they endangered?? One word. HUMANS we are the cause of their extinction. By reclamation, dumping toxic waste into their habitat, accidentally trapping them into fish nets and many more. Pink dolphins can only survive four hours outside of water.
Interesting Facts Pink dolphins get their amazing colour from their habitat and what kind of food they eat! The Pink Dolphin can turn its head 180 degrees! Here is a video to watch…. A&feature=related A&feature=related Part2
Thank you Thank you for watching and I hope you have found out more about pink dolphins.