What do you see? She took everything in then, and I with her: the house with the sloping roof, the evergreens leaning over it, the dark shadow that was the woodpile on the front porch. -Patricia Reilly Giff, Pictures of Hollis Woods The morning the Reeds’ baby died was June 5: a day shimmering with light, the smell of lilacs hanging sweetly in the willow tree behind the house where Alyssa was hiding. -Susan Shreve, Blister
Colon : Purposes: Announces a surprise or a list Acts like a drum roll for something to follow Tips: Capitalize the first word after a colon only if it’s a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence.
How easy it was to disappear: A thousand trains a day entered or left Chicago. - Erik Larson, “The Devil in the White City” Every ten minutes by the small clock built into the dashboard he tried to radio with a simple message: “I need help. Is there anybody listening to me?” -Gary Paulsen, “Hatchet”
Finish these sentences using a colon. Sentence Starters 1.So many things ruined my thirteenth birthday: 2. Today is a new day:
Possible Answers. 1.So many things ruined my thirteenth birthday: I asked for a present that I didn’t get, I couldn’t finish my math homework, and my best friend did not attend my birthday party. 2. Today is a new day: Nothing is going to ruin my day.
Instructions: Place colons where needed. 1.She had three personality flaws pride, selfishness, and a temper. 2.The singers in the concert will be you, Pam, and Becky. Be ready to go, this show could get us a record deal. 3.A tent, three sleeping bags, and a gas lantern how could you go camping without them and survive?
Answers: 1.She had three personality flaws: pride, selfishness, and a temper. 2.The singers in the concert will be you, Pam, and Becky: Be ready to go, this show could get us a record deal. 3.A tent, three sleeping bags, and a gas lantern: How could you go camping without them and survive?