A BIGAIL : T HE P EACEMAKER 1 Samuel 25: (p. 273) August 8, 2010
1. ORDINARY PEOPLE: EXTRAORDINARY FAITH Abigail Ordinary person Stuck in a relationship with a bad person – her husband Nabal Extraordinary faith in God Us Ordinary people May have bad relationship with: family member, neighbour, coworker, or your boss David Ordinary person Bad temper, overreacted Teachable and did the right thing in the end
2. T HE S TORY OF A BIGAIL THE P EACEMAKER David is on the run from Saul, who is trying to kill him Living in wilderness with 600 men Act as a “protection racket” – protect shepherds and then expect payment/hospitality In Hebron near the property of a rich, mean, wicked man named Nabal (lit. “fool”) “Sheep-shearing time” (v4) = festival time, time to repay debts, and right wrongs David asks Nabal for gifts of hospitality (i.e. payment) for taking care of Nabal’s shepherds & sheep (vv5-9) Nabal rudely says, No! (vv10-11) David is angry and responds violently, telling his men to “strap on their swords” and get ready for battle (v13)
2. T HE S TORY OF A BIGAIL THE P EACEMAKER ( CONT ’ D ) Nabal’s servant reports events to Abigail, Nabal’s “intelligent & beautiful” wife (vv14-17) “Abigail acted quickly” and wisely (v18) Took a generous gift of food and wine to David and his men Meanwhile, David is cursing Nabal, swearing he will kill all the men in Nabal’s household (v21) David’s overreaction is in stark contrast to story in 1 Sam 24 & 26: David spares Saul’s life because he remembers that vengeance belongs to God alone Reaffirms his trust in God’s ways and God’s plans for his life.
2. T HE S TORY OF A BIGAIL THE P EACEMAKER ( CONT ’ D ) Abigail intervenes: Asks David’s forgiveness - takes the blame for Nabal’s bad behaviour (v25ff) put aside her pride Smart yet presumptuous – speaks as though David has already decided to stop his attack (v26, 31) Appeals to David’s dignity and honour as a man of God (v28) and to his future as God’s anointed ruler (v30) Abigail boosts his confidence Abigail reminds him that God has a plan for him Meets David’s physical needs with food and drink
2. T HE S TORY OF A BIGAIL THE P EACEMAKER ( CONT ’ D ) Radical actions in the face of hostility Abigail’s speech shows: Extraordinary faith in God to fulfill his promises to secure David’s future as king of Israel Intelligence - Nabal’s response was wrong, giving hospitality was right according to OT laws Bold & brave – speaking truth to power AND she was a woman!! All in order to seek peace, shalom
2. T HE S TORY OF A BIGAIL THE P EACEMAKER ( CONT ’ D ) It worked! Abigail was successful! David was convinced and convicted, and thanked God for Abigail’s message Great picture of David – he listened to good judgment and stopped his evil plan teachable humble contrite / repentant a man after God’s own heart
3. R EAL L IFE Who are you? David – quick to anger, bad temper Abigail – faithful, bold, ready to intervene Nabal – mean, wicked, foolish All of the above?
3. R EAL L IFE My mother’s story The neighbour: Faithful and firm in her convictions about raising children Bold & fast acting Brave to tell a stranger how to raise her children Shalom entered my household Anna’s story (CBC Radio) The neighbour: Sorry that she did nothing Bystander effect? Fear? Long-lasting brokenness
Who are you? Be like Abigail. Be a peacemaker.