The Olympian Parthenon Continued Hermes, Apollo, Artemis: Two friends and a twin sister who roams the forests!
Hermes, Mercury, Quicksilver Watch you’re mercury intake! Mercury poisoning is bad. Son of Zeus and Maia (daughter of Atlas) Beautiful young fellow: everyone adored his youthful charm Tricky fellow, know to be mischievous, deceitful, and clever
The caduceus, symbol of Hermes, heralds, ambassadors, medicine (16 th century), and postal services Mercury, a busy god: God of commerce God of thieves God of athletes and the gymnasium God of shepherds and travelers Guide for the dead to the underworld Zeus’s “negotiator” Patron of children and heroes
Hermes: A man of fame: “Argus-slayer” “Psychopompus” “Soul Leader” Invented the Lyre Stole 50 cows, killed and sacrificed two with bare hands! Killed Argus (one-hundred eyed dude) No wife, but kids: –Pan (Satyr: ½ human, ½ goat, and…) –Hermaphroditus (½ man, ½ woman) who’s his mommy? Hey, what are Herms and who was Alcibiades?
Apollo Phoebus Phoebus Apollo Loxias (tricky) Pythian Apollo Good friends with Hermes, but you knew that Artemis’s younger twin A pretty lad God of light, truth, healing Laurel tree his special tree (Daphne) and has some medicinal value
Sponsor of the oracle at Delphi ( a famous psychic hotline) The sun god that drove his sun chariot across the sky; other versions, Helios. Knew a lot about medicine and miasma: invisible pollution that prevented murders of parents from associating with innocent people. Eww… miasma!
Sometimes considered the god of music and poetry, even the leader of the muses. –You know, the whole lyre thing? He competed often, with nasty results for the loser! A lady’s man and a man’s man (What?) –His affairs were often tragic –Daphne –Hyancinthus
Artemis/Diana Apollo’s elder twin sister She help her mother, Leto, give birth to lil’ Apollo Outdoor type goddess of the hunt. Always had bow and arrows. P Protected young animal Virgin goddess, often child-like and wild as her animal friends
Temper, temper! A vindictive lady: Temper, temper! A vindictive lady: Niobe, the bragging mom Niobe, the bragging mom Acteon, an accidental peeping Tom Acteon, an accidental peeping Tom Callisto, a friend who was seduced Callisto, a friend who was seduced Goddess of the moon who pulls it across the sky (or it’s Selene, Helios’s sister) Goddess of the moon who pulls it across the sky (or it’s Selene, Helios’s sister) Helped women in transition as well as youths and the weak Helped women in transition as well as youths and the weak Eww! That’s not random clipart! That’s cheesy! And babies are gross and icky and smelly!