The Bright Wisdom of Tao: Managing Our Emotions Lily C. Hsu English Tao Class Kuang Ming Saint Tao Temple May 7, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

The Bright Wisdom of Tao: Managing Our Emotions Lily C. Hsu English Tao Class Kuang Ming Saint Tao Temple May 7, 2011

Synopsis Have you ever wondered why one person may react so differently from another person to the same event? For example, some of us might be resentful and angry if a colleague got promoted by taking credit for our months of hard work, while others can calmly go about their work as if nothing ever happened. And why is it that some of us have the integrity to do the right thing all the time, while others have moments of weakness? The answer lies in our karma. In this lecture, we’ll briefly discuss what is “karma,” how it shapes who we are and what we do, and finally, how we can remove the previous negative karma to help us manage our emotions and to reclaim our inherent bright wisdom.

What are Emotions? Emotions = reactions to particular stimuli, such as a particular person or event

Robert Plutchik

3 Stages of Emotions Subjective Feelings Physiological Responses Expressive Behaviors Internal feelings Physical responses to emotions Outward manifestations of our emotions, including facial expressions, tone of voice, and body languages

What is “Karma?” In Tao tradition, we believe that our actions, both the good and the bad, from our past lives and present, shape who we are today (e.g. our mental, moral intellectual and temperamental differences). Karma is also known as “cause and effect” or action and reaction.

What is “Karma?” Misconception that just because we are born with karmas from our previous lives, everything in the present life is predetermined and there is nothing that we can do to change it. On the contrary, our future is still within our hands. How so? Because the word “ karma ” means action. And doesn ’ t “ action ” implies that an act will be done? Because we are the action doers, it logically follows that it is within our hands or our choice whether or not we do those actions.

Karma Wheel

The key to happiness is to “not to tie too many knots. Be happy and learn from Maitreya Buddha (Mi-Le Buddha).” Holy Teacher

What are some “knots”? * Anxiety * Inferiority * Pressure * Bitterness * Jealousy * Worries * Discontentment * Anger * Guilt / shame * Regrets

Endless Knot *Symbolizes the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth *Resembles the interplay and interaction of the opposing forces *Symbolizes the infinite wisdom of Buddha

Maitreya Buddha (Mi-Le)

“A happy person is a person who does not possess a lot, but rather is one who haggles less. That means you have to open your heart to accommodate everything.” Holy Teacher

“Our destinies are written on our faces. To have a smiling face all the time will change you for the better.” Holy Teacher

Maitreya Buddha (Mi-Le)

“As long as we face the world with a peaceful heart and cheerful disposition, [we can always adjust ourselves] to different circumstances and cope with changes to turn big problems into smaller issues and resolve them.” Holy Teacher

“When there are sorrows and sadness within, if you are not aware of them, cannot understand and dissolve them, or make adjustments. You are only hurting yourself and damaging your heart.” Holy Teacher

“Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot coal with intent of throwing it at someone. But it is you who gets burned.” Siddhartha Buddha

“To store bitterness inside your heart is real suffering… Happiness and bliss start when you let go.” Holy Teacher

Let go of what? Past mistakes and failures Past sufferings and pains Past shortcomings and sins

“Heaven, when it is about to place a great responsibility on a man, always first tests his resolution, wears out his sinews and bones with toil, exposes his body to starvation, subjects him to extreme poverty, frustrates his efforts so as to stimulate his mind, strengthen his nature and make good his deficiencies.” Mencius

Nick Vujicic Melbourne, Australia

“When you are angry, it is very easy to pour all your anger onto others and inflict damage to both sides. Therefore, take a deep breath before you get angry.” Holy Teacher

“Thwart our anger by holding our temper.” How do we hold our temper? By doing the “hold-in and breathe-out exercise and letting out the damaging angers and grudges with breathings.” Another way is to “shout out all your frustrations, shortcomings, and negative emotions.” Holy Teacher

“I love living life. I am happy.” Nick Vujicic

Conclusion Our emotions are the driving force behind our actions Learn to have an “attitude of gratitude” Learn how to “live to give” Then you will truly be fulfilled and happy.

Questions for Discussion 1)Is tolerance forcing ourselves to endure? How can tolerance lead to happiness? 2)“Letting go” is easier said than done. What are some ways that can help?